Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Windshield Wiper Fluid

I'm not sure I need professional help, but I do think I have windshield wiper fluid issues.
It all started when I went to Jiffy Lube to get my oil changed and they topped off my fluids. I began using my windshield washer fluid with abandon since I knew in a month (I drive a lot) that it would be refilled again when I got my oil changed. Then I started using so much that I was running out before it came time to change my oil. The guy at Jiffy Lube actually asked me how I managed to use a whole gallon of windshield washer fluid in 3 weeks (question to any professionals out there - is that a lot?). I was so embarrassed I started going to another Jiffy Lube to get my fluids topped off.

It starts when I get in my car. The windshield is usually somewhat dusty so I have to clean it. The first few sprays generally make a big smeary mess so I have to keep spraying. Sometimes when I'm sitting in traffic I clean my windshield so I don't feel unproductive. The logic is something like, hey, I might be sitting in traffic for the next half hour, but I'm getting things done!

The worst part is I don't think the wiper fluid gets my windshield clean. I hate those little half moons of clean glass. It makes the rest of the windshield look terrible. But I keep spraying and spraying.

If someone pisses me off in traffic I pull in front of them and spray my windshield, knowing that they will get sprayed as well. I also like to pull up next to cars with their windows down and, if I don't like the looks of the occupants, I spray them. I'm sure I'm going to get shot some day for doing that but I can't help myself...anyway, it will make for a funny story at my funeral.

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