Wednesday, February 15, 2012

my new pen

A very sweet guy in my class this week, who is a wood worker, made me a pen and then wished me luck with my writing.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

gas on valentine's day

I decided the best way to  celebrate valentine's day was to watch my favorite astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson talking about the worst solar storms in the universe (did you know the spots on planets like Jupiter are storms?).

While I was watching the show they talked about how Titan has oceans like earth but instead of water it's methane. So I got an idea and sent this email to my brothers (I admit I obsess about how to get a space ship to a black hole because I want to know what's in those things):

I'm watching a show about planetary storms and started thinking that maybe you could refuel a space ship with shit from planets. Like methane.

Then you could get a ship to a black hole.

Steve responded:

You will enjoy this book:

I have the audio book if you want it.  You would enjoy this book it's about the ridiculous things that physicist did to create jobs in the 70s. 

Methane is theoretically abundant because it's a stable combination of two compounds abundant in this solar system (hydrogen and carbon).  However, it has a fairly low energy on chemical combustion.  When we do use it we compress it, I doubt in space it will have very effective propulsion.  But maybe used for energy to fuel some other method.  But if you are doing that, why not just make a nuclear power source?

Also, don't forget that no matter what your mass is, as you accelerate you require exponentially more energy.  A photon has no mass, which is why it's capable of going the speed of light.  For all items with mass you would require infinite energy to achieve light speed.  If you look in your physics text books you will see all relativity problems say something like "item traveling near the speed of light (0.98 C)" in all the problems.

Another idea shot down.

Monday, February 13, 2012

physics jokes

I was doing a search on google today and found this great page of physics jokes.

Favorite so far:

The following is a little known, true story about Albert Einstein (attributed to Paul Harvey).

Albert Einstein was just about finished his work on the theory of special relativity, when he decided to take a break and go on vacation to Mexico. So he hopped on a plane and headed to Acapulco. Each day, late in the afternoon, sporting dark sunglasses, he walked in the white Mexican sand and breathed in the fresh Pacific sea air. On the last day, he paused during his stroll to sit down on a bench and watch the Sun set. When the large orange ball was just disappearing, a last beam of light seemed to radiate toward him. The event brought him back to thinking about his physics work. "What symbol should I use for the speed of light?" he asked himself. The problem was that nearly every Greek letter had been taken for some other purpose. Just then, a beautiful Mexican woman passed by. Albert Einstein just had to say something to her. Almost out of desperation, he asked as he lowered his dark sunglasses, "Do you not zink zat zee speed of light is zery fast?" The woman smiled at Einstein (which, by the way, made his heart sink) and replied, "Si."
And know you know the rest of the story.