Wednesday, August 19, 2015

really, I just wanted to run

Silly me. The other day I came up with a great idea. I decided to invite my work friend C (of toxic chemical PINSM fame) and that annoyance Mr. Army to do a 5k with me. I'm starting to get back into running again now that my foot is doing better. I've been getting up at 4:30 every morning to get some miles in before work so I'm not exercising until 8 o'clock at night...

Anyway, as I was walking across the parking lot yesterday morning all excited to invite them to do the 5k, and also thinking about a work thing, I was almost run over by Mr. Army. Like seriously, within 2 inches he missed me. Then he rolled down his window and said "What the FUCK are you doing?!?!" and I was like "what the FUCK are YOU doing???" and he said "I was going to pretend to run you over as a joke but you didn't get out of the way." He now says I owe him a favor because he's given me a new sense of situational awareness.

He and C both agreed to do a 5k with me so I sent them a link to the 5k I picked, which is in support of the Colorado Symphony. The conversation went something like this:

C: They'll have beer trucks there, right?
Mr. Army: Fuck this! Who wants to raise money for some fucking symphony? Can't you find some 5k that's for saving boobs or helping retards?
Me: Saving boobs? Why is everything about strippers with you?
Mr. Army: Men get breast cancer too so go fuck yourself.

So, still researching 5ks...

Monday, August 17, 2015

PINSM popularity persists

A guy I work with, who happens to be the guy who smashed the birthday plane cookie I gave him to pieces because he's Army, has been trying to fix my new laptop so the network adapter doesn't disable (I need admin rights to re-enable it because they're locking down laptops these days - and I don't have admin rights) because that makes me unable to use wireless.

I had, in May, given the above mentioned guy a PINSM with a kangaroo on it because he fixed my laptop and he said, as he started to work on my new laptop, "don't make me another one of those fucking PINSMs because I'm helping you." I think it's because he's the only one I've made a PINSM for that had a rodent on it. Perhaps I hurt his feelings. Fuck if I know.

So I initially toyed with the idea of drawing a bunch of PINSMs and papering his office with them. But then I thought that might make PINSMs less of a status symbol. So instead I came up with this, which I presented to him today after he tried (but failed) to fix my network adapter issue:

I'm such an asshole
So now he keeps stopping by my desk to ask "WHAT IS THE FUCKING ANIMAL YOU DREW???? AND WHAT IS IT SAYING?????" I think because no one in the office knows what to make of this PINSM.

I think I will draw a part of an animal on a post it note every day, as if it's a puzzle, and I will write on the back "this is part of the coolest animal in the world" and give it to him. But of course the pieces will never fit together to make an animal.

Perhaps, at some point, I can use that as leverage to get admin rights on my laptop.