Friday, August 9, 2013

don't mind the explosions on my back deck

I bought one of those stretchy green hoses to water my upper deck flower garden. I drilled a hole in the side deck wall and ran it up the gutter so I could access the water spigot below the deck.

stretchy hose coiled on upper deck
 Even though we've had a lot of rain I decided to add some water to the self watering planters yesterday. I went downstairs and turned the hose on. My contractor Neal was standing near his saw.

From the upper deck, Neal's saw
As I turned on the hose I heard a loud POP. Then water started spraying off the upper deck. I was under the deck so I was fine, but Neal was standing right in the line of water fire. We were both like "what the FUCK just happened?" I turned off the hose and went upstairs on the deck.

my fucking stretchy hose exploded

Somehow pressure, I guess, built up in the hose (hasn't been turned on for a while) and the top part blew off. Neal said "I think those fucking things are guaranteed for life. You should get your fucking money back!"

Haha. My dad suggested that I get a different type of hose.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

last home improvement project started!

Upstairs bathroom was demolished yesterday. And my contractor discovered that my water pipe, which is right against a brick wall, was "insulated" with newspaper. Shockingly it never froze.

This is what the downstairs shelves used to look like. Drywall and board shelves. Ghetto.

The new shelves in progress. There will be floating shelves and cabinets (granite covering the top of the cabinets.

Monday, August 5, 2013

most ridiculous dog in the world

One of the dogs I'm watching is a chihuahua / italian greyhound mix. He's 2 years old and the most ridiculous dog I've ever known. He spent 5 minutes chasing an ant around on the patio trying to eat it (he was never quite able to catch it).

Some pictures...

"Maybe you should let me drive." He doesn't understand that you have to drive aggressively in city traffic.

I yelled at him for jumping up on the bed and he decided to hide his head under the bed for 10 minutes.

I guess he's working on his tan.

He has a toy bone that he randomly drops all over the house so I took it from him. He wasn't happy and when I gave it back he sat on his dog bed glaring at me and clutching the bone in his teeth. Yeah, I was intimidated.

dog sitter goes crazy

A friend of mine asked me to house sit and watch his dogs while he was at Sturgis this past weekend. He also presented me with a cleaning challenge (if there's one thing I'm great at it's cleaning). His hot tub cover leaked while the hot tub was drained and it got all ick inside. Friends of his will be in town this coming weekend and he wanted to fill it so they can hang out in it at night. Full disclosure, I use the hot tub for my knee so it's in my best interest for it to be clean.

So I did some research, bought a special sponge, and then, on Friday, after my friend had left I looked at the hot tub.

oy vey!
I got to work and had it clean in no time.
cleanest hot tub EVER
Then, because I can't help myself, I cleaned his house. Not that it was dirty. But I ended up vacuuming all the window sills, cleaning the windows, wiping base boards, and doing all the stuff normal people don't do.

By then it was Saturday around noon and because one of his dogs is old she can't be left for long periods of time, and I thought...well...since I'm here...

And I cleaned his garage.

you could eat off the floor
At that point I think my asperger's kicked in over drive. I installed the magic mesh door he bought a year ago but hadn't had a chance to install. I patched up nail holes in the bathroom walls and repainted it. I even reorganized his downstairs closet.

after...yeah, I am awesome
 Today I took some stone remnants from his front yard and built a path around the hot tub so no one has to step on gravel when opening it.

I really don't know what's wrong with me. But I think it explains why people really like to have me as a friend. Though, my friend is coming home from sturgis early. Maybe he's afraid of what I'll do next...