Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm not blind, I'm blond

For some reason my travel profile has been updated to say I'm blind when making airline reservations, and that I'm handicapped when making hotel reservations.

I discovered the handicapped thing last week when I checked into a hotel in Columbus, Ohio. After a weird whispering session behind the front desk one of the clerks finally asked me what my handicap was. I was like "I don't play golf". Then she said I had somehow gotten booked into a handicapped room (though I didn't want to point this out to her, to get out of the lobby you had to take stairs either up or down, so they're damned lucky I'm not handicapped).

I fixed my profile as soon as I got into my room, but apparently it didn't work. Flying to Seattle today, I was requested to ring my flight attendant button. I was worried because I had had a lot of problems checking in on my flight and figured everything was a result of my company buying me a cheap ass ticket. But when the flight attendant came over to my seat (I was squished between a woman who wanted to sit cross legged in her seat and a morbidly obese woman who ate an entire bag of candy bars on the 2 1/2 hour flight) she said "Oh, you aren't blind". At first I thought she said I wasn't blond, and I was really confused, but then she told me that my ticket has said I was blind. Then I checked into my hotel today in Tacoma and same thing - handicapped room.

I deleted my profile and rebuilt it. Hopefully that will fix the problems.

And then yesterday I was talking to another consultant who congratulated me on getting married. I'm not sure who started the rumor I got married but if I find out who it is I will break his fucking legs. This is the fourth conversation I've had with someone in my company where I've been congratulated for my fake wedding.

Rainy and cold in Tacoma. Wishing I had brought a jacket and umbrella. I knew I should have looked at the weather forecast yesterday. I was just getting over my jet lag when I had to switch to east coast time last week. Now I'm on PST. Next week I'm back on the east coast. Since I've been back I've felt like my life force is draining out of my body to be replaced with concrete.

I need a vacation.

The good news is I'm going to work on my cover letter for my book prop this week, and my editor is going to have my prop reviewed by Monday. If I can find an agent for my book by the end of september I will be very happy.