Saturday, November 17, 2012

yarn head

Was emailing with a friend who is sponsored by red bull and remembered this dream I had about him when I was in the middle east, which, I just realized, I never posted:

I wrote:

Dude, I had the weirdest dream about you last night.

Maybe because the other day I was watching the vid of the endless ascent...

In the dream, I was living in Ouray, but it was like a crazy version of Ouray. Someone told me you had moved there, so I went to the ice park and found you living in this huge red bull tent. You looked normal except that your hair was blue yarn instead of being hair. I was like "dude, what are you doing here?" and you said "I've come up with a new invention, which is a blue berry pie that, when you eat it, turns your hair to yarn. That way you don't ever have to wear a hat. The discovery channel gave me a TV show, so I'm going to travel around the country and show how people won't die of the cold because they have yarn for hair." I was like "that's a really great idea! can I have a pie?"

So you gave me a pie and I took it home and built an engineering design of the pie to figure out how it worked. Then I re-engineered the pie so that it was cherry flavored, and when someone ate the pie it would turn their hands into red mittens. I drew a bunch of engineering diagrams of my pie. I was really excited about my invention and wanted to show it to you. So I printed out the engineering design but, instead of a printer, my computer was attached to an oven, and inside the oven was a baguette that cooked and somehow the engineering design was being cooked into the baguette.

When the baguette was fully cooked I took it back to your tent and you ate it because as you were eating the bread you could see my design which was being projected out of your eyes onto the wall of the tent. Every piece of bread you ate had a different diagram associated with it. Then you finished the bread and looked at me. I was excited to see what your reaction would be.

You looked at me and said "This is the stupidest idea I've ever heard of! Who would want to turn their hands into red mittens?" I was really upset because I realized you were right.

Then I woke up.

And no, I have taken any weird substances. That I know of. I did swallow some sand on accident during the sand storm.

My friend wrote:

Red Mittens might be the future--use 'em for ice, pot holders, fashion, the possibilities! I do have some nice black ones...

Wild dreams, jet lag?

Some people think I'm normal.

Friday, November 16, 2012

now it looks like a kitchen

Got home very late last night to this nice surprise:

Appliances that are inside my house instead of out on the back patio.

Climber handles installed.

I can wash dishes somewhere other than my upstairs bathroom!

View from the dining room. There's space in the island for stools.

Window is open! And it looks really nice!

My plumber Josef, who is the best plumber ever, just got the faucet installed. BTW, the ladders are not part of the kitchen decor.
See pictures of the old kitchen here.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Wow. The weirdest thing just happened. I ordered room service and the waiter that always brings my tray (Kevin) commented about how healthy my eating habits are (last night I had 2 slices of key lime pie, a fruit plate, and french fries for dinner and that's healthy????), and then he sang me a song about broken tree branches and some other stuff. I think it was a gospel song or something. He has a great voice.

I gave him a $5 tip and said "thanks".

It was nice, but at the same time a little awkward. I don't often have people sing to me and I never know what I'm supposed to do. Clap? Make eye contact? Stare into the distance as if remembering an emotionally sad moment?

Hm. He brought me another fruit plate and didn't charge me.

People are so confusing.

counter tops are in!

My designer Christine sent me this picture:

She and Neal said they look great, which is a huge relief since I only had a tiny sample to go on.

Supposedly I'll have appliances in too when I get home on Thursday night. Which means I won't have to go outside to get stuff out of my refrigerator.

Monday, November 12, 2012

pudding & primordial soup

Yesterday a friend stopped by to see my kitchen, and I was showing her a new non-stick frying pan my mom bought me so the brit (Pascal) could make me an omelet, and my friend said "I'm surprised he'd ever come back here after you made him eat that horrible banana pudding you made." I was like, "um, you tasted it before I gave it to him and said it was good". She was like "It was the worst pudding ever".


So I sent an email to Pascal:

subject: banana pudding

Why didn't you just say "it sucks"? My friend was like "worst pudding ever". 
I made you eat it twice.


The banana pudding was good! I enjoyed it! Did you serve her the frozen
batch? Maybe it became denatured in the freezer? Maybe it developed a
personality and evolved into a higher life form. Maybe you stumbled on the
secret to creation of life? You made me eat primordial soup?? Maybe that's
why I had gas, it was because I had a universe developing in my guts.
Cripes we could see a big bang in me bum? I could give birth to the next
messiah? Oh the possibilities!

He may be coming back to town end of this month. Hopefully the kitchen will be in some functional state so he can cook for me.