Thursday, September 6, 2012

highlights from the weekend

  • I was reading a magazine while waiting for Pascal at the airport. He walked right in front of me and made a scary noise, causing me to almost have heart failure. I thought that was kind of mean considering I had brought him banana pudding and a glass of wine to enjoy on the ride home.
  • Pascal said I was under watering one of my plants and then criticized the way I watered it. Apparently you are supposed to put the plants in the sink and pretend to make it rain on them, and then leave them soaking in water for a few minutes. I stand corrected on my bad watering.
  • We got into an argument about the difference between a capability, a service, and a product. I won.
  • I showed Pascal a very cool spreadsheet I created using pivot table to determine a project's risk. He likes talking about pivot tables.
  • We went hiking at Roxborough. It was over cast when we got there but I was like "it never rains in Colorado". Then it started raining. So I said "well, at least it's not a storm." Then we heard thunder. So I said "as long as there's no lightning we're okay." It started lightning. Luckily we made it back to the car safe and the sun came out at the end of the hike so Pasc got some really good pictures. We saw a ton of deer.
  • Pasc suggested we go to a grocery store. He likes those places. Then he wanted to walk down all the aisles (up until our trip I've never been down most of the aisle in my grocery store). He knows how to fart in a way that sounds like a duck, so when I was trying to decide which dishwashing soap I wanted he started making duck farts. People in the aisle were looking at us. Pasc was staring off into space as if I was the one who was farting and he was just an innocent bystander.
  • He made a stew with a full bottle of wine in it and some other stuff. He put it in the oven and we went to the british pub. For some reason the taps weren't working. We subsequently went to three more bars and encountered the same problem. I drank a british beer called...something...and after I took a swig of it Pasc said "the best thing about that beer is it will make you fart". Great. We accidentally stayed out two hours longer than we had planned having beers at different bars in LoDo. That's how the stew got a little over cooked. Pasc had insisted I buy flour because he thought the stew would be too watery. By the time we got home almost all the liquid was cooked out of it so he added more water just so he could use the flour that I had been carrying around LoDo in my backpack. It was heavy. I was like "I've been carrying this damn thing around for 3 hours, you better fucking use it".
  • We got into an argument about spring rolls and egg rolls. It turns out that an egg roll is a subset of a spring roll. I never knew that. I lost the argument. But kicked Pasc's ass at spinjas so it didn't matter because spinjas are way more important than egg rolls.
  • I showed Pasc the godfather, the city of lost children, and rosencratz and guildenstern are dead. They are some of my favorite movies. He fell asleep during them. I also introduced him to David Chappelle. 
  • Pasc ate potato chips on my leather sofa and managed to get more of them on the sofa than in his mouth. He also got potato chip crumbs, inexplicably, on his shoulders and back. When he got up off the sofa there were crumbs everywhere except where he had been sitting. I eat potato chips on my sofa all the time and never get crumbs on it.
  • I took Pasc to Wahoo's. He now likes fish tacos.
  • We got carded at every bar we went to. Go us. Though, most of the time they couldn't find Pasc's birthday on his jacked up driver's license. But he was served anyway because he exaggerates his accent and is very flirty. Apparently most american women find a british accent very sexy.
  • We spent 3 hours at the Denver Botanic Gardens and had lunch there. Pasc ordered chicken curry samosas and then spent 30 minutes explaining to me how they weren't really samosas and that they were made wrong.
  • He introduced me to Eddie Izzard. We spent Sunday night laughing our asses off listening to him.
If you ever have the chance to host a brit I highly recommend it. Though, full disclosure, they tend to fart a lot.

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