Friday, May 23, 2008

"Here's your hockey octopus!"

I was reading an article today about why one should watch hockey. I read it in part because I was shocked that there was still hockey going on. Or maybe it's one of those sports that goes on all year,

My favorite, of the 8 reasons cited by the author of why one should watch hockey, was this:

Octopi: Another sell for the NHL, Wyshynski says, is the grand tradition of bringing raw octopodes to the game and throwing them on the ice either before the game or to celebrate a goal. He says the league banned raw octopus-twirling because of the goo and slime, but they still make appearances, their eight legs representing the eight wins once required for a Stanley Cup win.

I am sorry to have not gotten to see this before the NHL banned the practice. I think giving a bunch of drunk red necks raw slimy things to throw during a sporting event is a great idea, slightly better than giving base ball bats out to passionate fans who have been drinking.