Friday, August 9, 2013

don't mind the explosions on my back deck

I bought one of those stretchy green hoses to water my upper deck flower garden. I drilled a hole in the side deck wall and ran it up the gutter so I could access the water spigot below the deck.

stretchy hose coiled on upper deck
 Even though we've had a lot of rain I decided to add some water to the self watering planters yesterday. I went downstairs and turned the hose on. My contractor Neal was standing near his saw.

From the upper deck, Neal's saw
As I turned on the hose I heard a loud POP. Then water started spraying off the upper deck. I was under the deck so I was fine, but Neal was standing right in the line of water fire. We were both like "what the FUCK just happened?" I turned off the hose and went upstairs on the deck.

my fucking stretchy hose exploded

Somehow pressure, I guess, built up in the hose (hasn't been turned on for a while) and the top part blew off. Neal said "I think those fucking things are guaranteed for life. You should get your fucking money back!"

Haha. My dad suggested that I get a different type of hose.

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