Wednesday, August 19, 2015

really, I just wanted to run

Silly me. The other day I came up with a great idea. I decided to invite my work friend C (of toxic chemical PINSM fame) and that annoyance Mr. Army to do a 5k with me. I'm starting to get back into running again now that my foot is doing better. I've been getting up at 4:30 every morning to get some miles in before work so I'm not exercising until 8 o'clock at night...

Anyway, as I was walking across the parking lot yesterday morning all excited to invite them to do the 5k, and also thinking about a work thing, I was almost run over by Mr. Army. Like seriously, within 2 inches he missed me. Then he rolled down his window and said "What the FUCK are you doing?!?!" and I was like "what the FUCK are YOU doing???" and he said "I was going to pretend to run you over as a joke but you didn't get out of the way." He now says I owe him a favor because he's given me a new sense of situational awareness.

He and C both agreed to do a 5k with me so I sent them a link to the 5k I picked, which is in support of the Colorado Symphony. The conversation went something like this:

C: They'll have beer trucks there, right?
Mr. Army: Fuck this! Who wants to raise money for some fucking symphony? Can't you find some 5k that's for saving boobs or helping retards?
Me: Saving boobs? Why is everything about strippers with you?
Mr. Army: Men get breast cancer too so go fuck yourself.

So, still researching 5ks...

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