Wednesday, May 20, 2015

more PINSMs

Post it note social media is a huge success in the office! It even has its own acronym now, PINSM (pronounced pin-sim).

This was for the guy who works at the help desk who let me jump the queue so I could get my VPN fixed. And now my colleagues are giving the help desk PINSMs because I get the best service. Front and back shown:

this is really the back but this is the side I put facing up on his computer

this is the side that is displayed
His response was “she’s kind of weird but I like it.” He put it on his monitor.

So then a guy who does legal for contracts asked me for a PINSM. This was his:
the background is a penguin saying "hi"; the last line says PINSMs cause cancer in rabbits
 I made this for my cube mate C. She and I should never have been sat together, we get up to all kinds of mischief. I made this after a guy I work with snuck up behind me as I was engrossed in a diagram and then sprayed me with that dust off aerosol spray (he had it because I told him I would not get anywhere near his computer until he cleaned all the dust off of it). I made him read the warning label out loud and then accused him of dousing me with toxic chemicals:

aforementioned dust guy then said I was not allowed to say I'm a puffin because puffins are cooler than penguins so I thought to redraw my PINSM; and then I was like "hold on a fucking minute, I invented PINSMs, I can be a puffin if I want to"
This is my latest PINSM invitation, from a colleague who spends more time chatting with people than being my subject matter expert:

as it turns out, he's also an expert on snails; his grandmother raised them or some shit like that - I'm not sure why the snail is barfing but I think it was an attempt at creative humor that sucked
Tomorrow is a big day at the office because my sister in law made me some custom sugar cookies to take into the office. Everyone is going to love them. I better get at least one PINSM about the cookies.

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