Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Eduardo T. - you asshole!

Speaking of gas...

The other day I was at an amoco gas station and I noticed a picture of Eduardo T. on the gas pump. Who is he? Well, apparently he is some guy who has been driving since 1987 and uses only amoco gas. So they decided to put his picture on the gas pump.

I have been driving since 1986. Why they didn't choose ME instead of Eduardo I don't understand. If I had known that using amoco gas exclusively gave me a shot at having my picture on a gas pump I would have definitely been true blue to amoco. I would have had a studious, responsible, yet fun loving expression on my face for the picture as if to say I am the face of amoco and people who buy this gas are the coolest people in the world. Not like Eduardo. You can just look at his picture and tell he's the type of guy who cuts people off, doesn't use his turn signal, and slows down when he is about to merge onto the highway.

Yeah, Eduardo, you smug bastard, smiling at me as if to say "Gee, I've been driving one year less than you and look how much better my career is going. I'm on gas pumps all over the US and you can't even figure out how to drive down 295 without getting a speeding ticket from that stupid electronic speeding camera. Ha! And guess what? I have a house and a great car. You live in a crappy apartment without air conditioning. You suck."

Well guess what Eduardo. I drew fangs coming out of your mouth. So there. Even though it made me late for picking up Kristin for our night out in Annapolis.

I hope someone puts sugar in your gas tank...

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