Saturday, March 14, 2009

matching hearts

This is a cheesy but true story. Every time I think of it I smile.

Jonas and I were in Florence, Italy, and we had gone to this club. It was really hot and crowded inside, and the music was loud, so we took our drinks outside to enjoy the evening. There were tables set up outside the bar and we could watch people walking on the street, one of my favorite things to do in a foreign city. When we walked outside we saw a little girl sitting against the wall on the sidewalk outside of the club. She must have been around 7. I believe she was German but I'm not sure.

I was worried about her because it was about 1130 at night, and while Florence is safe, I wouldn't leave my 7 year old outside by herself. Using various pantomimes, and finally drawing a picture on a piece of note paper from a note book that I was carrying around, we finally figured out her parents were inside the club. Jonas went in to look for them. I think he asked the bartender to find them and the parents finally came out. I told them I didn't think it was safe for them to leave their kid outside (they spoke English). They waved a hand at me "oh, it's okay".

I didn't think it was okay. At all. They brought her a sprite and she came and sat down at our table. She had a stylish little white purse with pink flowers on it. I told her I liked her bag and she grinned at me even though I don't think she understood me. I started telling her a story and drawing pictures in my notebook from events of the story. It was one of my favorites as a kid, about this kitten that has to go to a baby sitter's house. The kitten puts all of his toys in a wheel barrow to take to the baby sitter. I don't know if she was getting the plot or not, but she started drawing kittens with wheel barrows too.

Then she pulled this foil packet out of her purse and opened it. Inside there were grapes. She offered us some in this very cute hostess kind of way. I kept talking to her in English and she kept responding to me in German (I think it was German). I was talking about the moon and drew a picture of that. Then she filled in the picture with stars. I added an alien and she laughed.

After we ate all the grapes I took the foil and turned my back to her, making a big deal of doing something sneaky. She wanted to see what I was doing but she was very polite. I folded the foil into a little heart and hid it in my hand. Then I put my hand out to her and she opened it and pulled out the heart. Her face suddenly lit up and she was all smiles, babbling away in German (I think). Jonas and I were looking at each other kind of puzzled, and then she pulled out a necklace that she was wearing and it was a heart the same size as the one I had made her. This coincidence made her very happy and I was happy too.

Shortly afterwards we decided to leave because we were tired so we took her in the bar and left her with her parents in there. I hope they took good care of her.

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