Thursday, March 12, 2009


Last night I had a dream that I was walking by the bus station down the street from my house. It was really warm and the sun was unnaturally bright.

I heard someone yell my name and when I looked over there was my brother Bob, running across the street from the bus station. He was carrying a stick over his shoulder with all his belongings tied up in this red hankerchief that had large white polka dots on it.

I was like "what are you doing here?" and he said "I came out to visit you". He was really drunk. But I felt this huge sense of relief that he had come out to Colorado so I could take care of him.

I said "let's go to the grocery" because I didn't have any food in my house and I wanted to get something to feed him because he looked so skinny. When we got to the grocery, which was a whole foods store I think, he was having problems walking so I put him in this little cart that looked like a car and started pushing him around the store. When we got to a shelf that had food he wanted to eat he would knock the food into his little car.

Then this lady came up and started yelling at me because Bob was smoking a cigarette. So I took his cigarette out of his mouth and put it out on the floor. He got really mad at me so I told him I would give him another one when we left the store.

I pushed him out of the store and as soon as we got out of the door I lit a cigarette and handed it to him. He looked really happy. A guy walked up to us and told us a joke and we both started laughing really hard. I don't remember what the joke was.

Then I woke up.

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