Saturday, October 24, 2015

Chapter 13: The Whitey Biteys Confront The Crafty Feller

The croco-diamond surfaced dramatically, taking in a deep breath of air and blowing large amounts of water out of his snout.
“I am ALIVE! Though I have been gone for so long, I have returned, and returned victorious!”
“Five minutes you’ve been gone, I’d say, from the sun,” offered the giant man helpfully from the wharf.
Time passes more slowly under water because of...lack of gravity,” said the croco-diamond.
“We are glad you’ve returned!” said the giant man, and the kangawrong did a special twirly hop, slap hop, and pop hop in celebration.
“My dear, dear friends. I...knew you would miss me!” The croco-diamonds eyes filled once again with tears. “As for my victory...”
“You got the mittens back?” Asked the giant man. He sounded proud of the croco-diamond.
“I did. But. There is still...I have a special mission...for you.” He looked at the kangawrong, who stopped doing pop hops. Its ears went flunk down to the side of its head. It clasped its hands together and wriggled its fingers nervously.
“Have you...your knitting needles?”
The kangawrong produced them from its fedora.
“And have we any yarn?”
The two on the wharf looked around them. Finally the giant man said “My socks could be made into yarn.”
“Then forthwith and post haste! A beret and a scarf for the crafty feller!”
At which mention the octopeu popped up near the croco-diamond and cried, “Eye doan like ziss bright light!”
“Measurements dear fellow. We want to be accurate.” He patted the octopeu on the head quish Quush.
“But eets hurt me le blinkers!”
The croco-diamond gave the giant man a look that said the whining isn’t going to stop anytime soon with this feller. So the giant man departed to the ticky-tap-tap and returned with the lens from a pair of his sunglasses and a rubber band.
Using one of the kangawrong’s knitting needles he poked two holes in the lens and then threaded the rubber band through.
He handed the lens to the croco-diamond, who helped the octopeu put it on.
“Le glassee es verrry styleesh!”
The octopeu made a few minor adjustments of the lens with his tentacles and forgot all about being upset.
When suddenly.
A large fin rose menacingly out of the water.
Followed by another large fin.
And six more.
The rotund head of the largest whitey bitey surfaced, its black eyes gleaming. Next appeared the head of Evett, who smiled threateningly with the most teeth in all of the worlds.
“Oh la troub-lee!” screamed the octopeu.
It wrapped its tentacles around the croco-diamond, bopping him in the head with the mittens and klonking its sunglass into one of the croco-diamond’s teeth. A mitten fell off in the struggle and a tentacle went up the croco-diamond’s nostril.
Phht! Phhhch! Unhand me you octo-hander!”
The croco-diamond tried to shake off the octopeu but its tentacles just wrapped more tightly around him. All the mittens fell off in the struggle.
When next he could see (the octopeu had squoshed himself over the croco-diamond’s eyes) bleu ribbons floated everywhere like broken branches. And all the whitey biteys were mitted.
They glared at the octopeu.
“Evett, y’all shore was right ‘bout that bein’ the crafty feller.” The largest whitey bitey pointed a mitted fin at the croco-diamond. “He done thinks we’s gonna be fooled by that there dee-skies.”
“That there’s the worst dee-skies I done seen out of alla the dee-skies-is in all the worlds,” said Evett. “Pretendin’ ta be a crocker-die-min hat. Everybody know that they don’t wear no hats.”
“Well, whatcha boys thankin’ we gonna do with that there crafty feller?” asked the largest whitey bitey.
They swam closer to the croco-diamond, who still had the octopeu perched on his head.
The lots of sharp teeth were very close indeed.

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