Saturday, January 19, 2013

another orca dream, with a talking hat

I sent this to a friend:

Last night I dreamed that I was sitting in my upstairs office working and you kept sending me emails but when I opened them I couldn't read them. It was like trying to read a piece of paper under water. And then I heard you say, apparently through my laptop somehow, "that's because I'm sending you emails from my boat."

Then somehow I was transported to your boat, which was somewhere in the arctic. There were huge icebergs everywhere and it was freezing. I saw you sitting in the pilot house looking at some maps. You were wearing a thick red flannel shirt and a black wool cap. You didn't look at me so I looked out over the stern of the boat and saw a bunch of orcas jumping out of the water right next to the boat. It was really cool.

I turned around to tell you about the orcas but you weren't in the pilot house. So I looked around the inside of the boat for you but you were gone. Then I thought to myself "Hm, I'm in the middle of the arctic surrounded by ice on a boat that I don't know anything about." So I went back up to the stern and your hat was laying on the deck. It said to me "I think this is probably just a test."

Then I woke up.

The hat had a voice like Kermit the frog.

My friend responded:

I doubt that was me...none of my hats sound like Kermit.

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