Tuesday, January 15, 2013

127 hours and other cutting limbs off projects

My friend Carol came over tonight with chinese food (Uptown Wok - highly recommend it!) and we watched 127 hours. I read the book because I e-met Aron through Paradox Sports (I was mentoring a woman who had lost her arm and wanted to try ice climbing) but had never had the desire to watch the movie. But decided to give it a go and I'm glad. It was REALLY good (except the part showing him driving out of the city at the beginning - guess they did that to show how isolated canyonlands is but it definitely didn't look like Colorado). I should note we were supposed to watch it at Carol's house on Sunday (she got a new DVD player) but I couldn't get the DVD player to work with the TV (she had the wrong cable).

Anyway, while we were watching the movie my friend Blanch emailed me. I emailed him back that we were watching 127 hours.


Hey, I'm mentioned in Aron Ralston's book (127 Hours)*. He was volunteering at the Banff Film Fest one year and I gave him some advice on what to climb. They figure that he used the gift -fake- Leatherman from the Fest to cut off his arm.

*He's quoted at the beginning of Chapter 15, which is about Aron cutting his arm off. The quote is "It was like having sex with death." (about Blanch's team's attempt to climb the 15,000 ft Rupal Face of Nanga Parbat)

In the movie they said his mom gave it to him as a stocking stuffer. But I like Blanch's story better.

Speaking of cutting things off, Carol is going to show me how to take apart a chicken and then make chicken stock. She was like "why do you want to make chicken stock?" and I was like "hm, no reason in particular". All part of learning to cook. BTW, I am NOT touching a raw chicken. It's going to be a cooked chicken. I think I'll get two in case I fuck up the first one (which I can guarantee I will). She told me to get some shears, and at first I had this image of a razor thing (like shearing sheep) and started to feel ill that I was going to have to "shear" something off the chicken. It turns out shears are scissors for cutting up shit like chicken.

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