Sunday, October 11, 2015

vegetables, with a cheeseburger thrown in

Yesterday my friend Jess invited me to meet her and her husband at TAG, a burger place near them. I waffled back and forth on going because I didn't want to drive and it was 3 1/2 miles away. I was not worried about walking, I was worried about what would happen if something went bad with my left eye and I ended up in excruciating pain unable to see 3 miles from my house.

I did some test walks and my eye did good so I decided to meet them. My vision was blurry by the time I got there (that's normal, it degrades over the course of the day) and Edge had nicely sat himself against a red wall so I would be able to see him (he also said "I knew you would know it was me even if you couldn't see me because I would be the only black guy here" - haha!).

Was the burger worth a 7 mile round trip? Um, fuck yeah.
this was the old school burger
We also had two bowls of brussel sprouts. I like them now as long as they are fried in bacon fat.

About half way through dinner Jess asked our server why TAG had switched to frozen french fries. A long discussion ensued. Then the manager of TAG came over and sat next to me. Jess knows him because she eats there all the time. I would mention that we were all a little drunk (I had only had one glass of wine but I've been terrified to drink anything since my eye surgery because I didn't want to bump my eye and I think I was dehydrated from walking 3 1/2 miles even though I drank two glasses of water when I got to TAG). And then he ordered us another round of drinks

I wasn't contributing much to the conversation except for randomly mentioning places that have good french fries. Most of the places were not in Denver though. And I kept laughing for no reason. At the end of the french fry conversation the manager shook my hand. As soon as he left Jess was like "are you a MORON????  I am pretty sure he was hitting on you!!!" and I was like "oh, I'm drunk and I couldn't see what he looked like anyway". Oh well. 

He gave me his card but I don't think I'll email him (he asked me to email him something funny I said about frozen french fries but fuck if I can remember what it was). One of the many reasons I'm single...

Then we had a discussion about why Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. One of my favorite things about Jess and Edge is they like to talk about interesting shit. I learned a lot from Edge about Pearl Harbor that I didn't know.

Edge and Jess wanted to put me in a cab but it was such a beautiful night I insisted on walking home. I did great until I had to cross colfax street. I stupidly crossed at an intersection where 6 roads come together at angles and I almost got hit by a car because I was wearing a dark sweat shirt (though, my backpack has reflective material on it - I think the driver was drunk).

It was one of the more fun evenings I've had this year.

Today I picked what will probably be the last vegetables from my garden (I might get a few more tomatoes, we'll see).

think I'll do a stir fry with them, or maybe a quiche

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