Friday, May 1, 2015

things I've gotten in trouble for at my new job

It's all hazing, but funny...

 1. Smoking a fake cigarette in my cube.
2. Smoking a fake cigarette outside but not in the smoker's area (they are going to set up a fake smoker's area for me so I don't have to stand near the smokers).
3. Walking too fast in the hallway (apparently I scared someone with my fast walking).
4. Failing to turn off my cube lights (that cost me 2 tacos).
5. Not holding onto the hand rail while going down the steps (when I told my friend Dorothy about that she said "did you trip while you were walking down the stairs?" - hahaha!!!!).
6. Having my ID turned the wrong way (even though I tried to explain it was turned the wrong way because it was tangled in my scarf and my cube mate was trying to help me untangle it).
7.  Leaving tangerines on my desk on a day our office was inspected (I have by far the cleanest work area of anyone).
8. Eating cookies in the tornado shelter.
9. Clicking too many times on a button to launch a test on information assurance (how was I supposed to know it takes 10 minutes to load).
10. Not wearing a red shirt on red shirt day (I failed to comprehend how I would know when the next red day shirt is happening so I was advised to keep a red shirt in my car at all times).

In other news, today someone brought in doughnuts and a guy choked as he was eating his and then he said "that chocolate doughnut went down the wrong hole". The guys had a field day with that.

And tomorrow I've been invited to another art show my neighbor is having. This one is called "Knotty by Nature" and features a Korean artist who does shibari art. Should be...interesting.

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