Sunday, December 14, 2014

sex and submission: the art show I went to last night

A few weeks ago a neighbor invited me to his gallery for an art show. I told him I would go because he lives in a cool building and I wanted to see the inside. He also said the show was for up and coming young artists. I was imagining an evening of crap wine but cool art.

Then, when I talked to him a few days ago to confirm I was still invited, he mentioned that there would be some "performance art". He wasn't kidding. Most of this blog will be pictures, because I'm guessing you won't believe what happened at the show.

First of all, my neighbor said the show was from 7 - 9. I figured I would show up at 7:20, hang out for 40 minutes, and be home in time to watch Shelter (the surf movie, not the other movie). But when I got there they were still setting up. I was embarrassed and apologized for being early and Errol said "don't worry, the night is evolving". No shit, as I soon discovered.

I helped this really cool Korean artist, who was running the show, get everything set up. That's when I started noticing that all the art had a bondage or bitter naked woman theme. One painting (for $1800) was a close up of a woman's ass, with a fart coming out of it that said "fuck you!"

Then one of the artists tried to hang some light thing he created on a metal beam going across the ceiling (he couldn't, in the end, get it to stay). I stood on a short ladder and watched as he pulled himself up to the beam. It was terrifying. Even worse was when he climbed down. The floor of the gallery is concrete and I was imagining something horrible happening. Unfortunately I got no pictures of that because I was spotting the artist as he was hanging from the beam.

you can see the rope still hanging from the beam and how high up it is - the artist that climbed up to the beam is on the left, standing on the stairs
Then the next "performance" piece started. A dominatrix from the red hand gallery wrapped her "slave" in plastic and then red duct tape and then put her on a massage table and, in turn, tickled her feet, pinched her toes hard, and tied a balloon to her.

"slave" bound up in plastic and duct tape - that's salsa chicha taking a picture - she was a very nice drag queen who hung out with me the first half of the show so she could explain what was going on - she also complimented my eyelashes

"slave" with a balloon tied to her

while this part of the performance art was going on many of the women in the group started donning "costumes", like this leather straight jacket the woman to the right of Salsa Chicha is putting on
Errol asked me what I made of the plastic wrap piece and I said I thought it was showing how women are bound in society and not able to be free. I had some theories about the red tape representing menstruation and how babies also trap women. The feet tickling and feet pinching I thought represented an abusive relationship. Finally I thought the balloon represented how women put emphasis on the wrong things in their lives (their looks, clothes, jewelry) and that makes them ridiculous.

But when I asked Star (the slave) what she thought, she said "I find it very liberating to be wrapped in plastic and duct tape".


Then the next piece started. I'll just explain with picture captions.

the dominatrix put Star in a big balloon - she then added air to the balloon to make it bigger

here Star is popping her head out of the balloon asking others to join her - I was strongly encouraged to go into the balloon with Star, I suspect because I was one of the smaller people in the crowd - however, I had no desire to get into the balloon with a naked except for a thong Star

as people in the crowd (I am NOT making this up) started disrobing the korean running the show agreed to get into the balloon with Star - he wore his boxer shorts - the dominatrix is spanking him as he is trying to get into the balloon because he's letting all the air out - I would also mention here that I have a little crush on him because he's very attractive but I suspect too young for me - as a weird coincidence he teaches judo at the Buddhist center I was thinking to check out and he invited me to come by there some time and he would introduce me around

adding air to the balloon - you can see the korean's head and Star's head as the balloon is crushing them

reinflated - and there is a third person, outside of this picture because she's totally naked, about to get into the balloon

there are now 4 people inside the balloon - apparently the dominatrix has gotten as many as 14 people in a balloon - this one popped seconds after I took this picture - Errol was impressed because I suddenly said "let's not stand here anymore" and moved to the opposite wall, and seconds later the majority of the popped balloon hit the wall right where we were standing
At this point I decided to go outside because the gallery was getting uncomfortably crowded. It was 930 by then and people were showing up in droves (the balloon thing is very popular I guess because all of the new arrivals were in a hurry to get into the gallery to see it). I asked one of the guys standing outside how he had heard about the show and he said it was posted on something he called "fet place". I thought at first he said "pet place" but he corrected me and then said "it's like face book for fetishists". It turns out he's a furry and has two female slaves (one of the reasons I thought he said "pet place" was because he was wearing a biker style jacket, but where the biker gang theme would go he had a patch that had two stuffed animal puppies).

At that point I was pretty disgusted with the people in the gallery so I left. There wasn't a single male submissive at the gallery and all of the art work was derogatory toward women (women getting a come shot to the face, tortured women cursing men, woman on woman domination). And MOST OF THE ARTISTS WERE WOMEN. WHAT THE FUCK????????????????

Also, I found the women there annoying, bragging about being someone's slave and being led around in bondage gear. Errol said I was taking things to seriously but I don't think I am. That's why women in the middle east are held down. They have to walk around in fucking burkas. I would also say that Salsa Chicha agreed with me.

Anyway, I have some interesting neighbors...

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