Sunday, February 22, 2015

snow, snow, snow!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friend Jess invited me to go snow shoeing with her, her sister, and Edge today so last night I was going to have a chill night, watch a movie, and go to bed early. Instead, for reasons I can't explain, my asperger's kicked in and I became obsessed with shoveling the front walk maybe also being concerned about the arrest threats the city of Denver made when no one shoveled while I was in Costa Rica. Forgot to write about this, let's step into the wayback machine:

(thursday, in Costa Rica checking email)

my neighbor:
You received a notice of violation saying: You are hereby notified to remove snow and ice from walks with 24 hours.  Then it specifies "along 28th street walk."  Failure to comply will result in a penalty of $150 for the first time, $500 the second time, then $900. There may also be court action of $999 and/or one year in jail and/or administrative penalty.   

I can do a little help, maybe a quarter of that side of the building, as long as it isn't deep.  But to have a secure plan would be a good idea. The letter was on your door. What are your thoughts?
Obviously, my thoughts were "I'm in Costa Fucking Rico, someone there needs to fucking shovel".
Anyway, I figured I'd have to shovel after snow shoeing so I might as well get a jump on it. I went out to shovel and my crazy neighbor pulled up right as I started and helped me and then offered to drink a glass of wine and maybe watch a movie with me. I was like "no way dude, I have to get up at 6:30" but of course we ended up having a glass of wine (the movie watching didn't go so well as I was in the middle of a german movie that was kind of hard to explain and he was like "I thought you only watched movies about surfers and sharks").
Really he just wanted to talk about how his new business is going and to get some advice on a problem he was having with his ex.
He finally left around 11. Ech. 
We ended up going to Matt Winters because the roads were shit. Major Jake did great but I am definitely switching his tires to Michelins. I also was really proud of Jake because Jess was bragging about how well he does in the snow and what a great car he is. I am a little embarrassed to admit this but I teared up a little when she was talking about how fun he is to drive. 
Funny side note: I was at Jess' salon getting a pedicure and looked out the window and thought "oh, that car looks like Jake but it can't be him because he has different license plates." It was him. I had forgotten that he got new plates when Jess registered him. I know this is insane but I felt really happy to have seen him.
We had a great hike at Matt Winters though Edge and I had problems with our snow shoes (mine was user error). Also, I found out after the hike that Edge had taken Dayquil before the hike (but he did great). Some pics:

Jess, Edge, Ericka, and me (the shrimp)

Jules in Major Jake - first dog to ride in my car!

Edge, Ericka, Jules, and me

Jules in the snow


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