Saturday, December 1, 2012

Why I LOVE Russian movies

Watched half of Stalker last night. It's pretty long. Enjoying it a lot.

I had to take pics of my favorite lines in the movie so far:

In case you can't read the above, it says "Don't stick your nose in someone's underwear if you don't understand it." In this scene a scientist has gone through the zone by himself to retrieve a backpack with his underwear. Normally you need a stalker to get you through the zone because bad things can happen to you because the zone is supposedly inhabited by aliens. The stalker had just finished admonishing the scientist about his backpack full of underwear, and this was the scientist's response.

And the response to the above, by the stalker, was "What is there to understand? Binomial theorem?" Ha ha! Math joke! And I love B Pascal, who documented binomial theorem!!! Though, of course, there's historical proof that an Indian and Persian discovered it first. Oh well. It's Pascal's triangle now.

I'll drink to that. This is a writer who sneaks into the zone with the stalker so he can write about it. The zone is segregated from the rest of Russia and they shoot people who enter it. Only a stalker knows how to sneak in.

It's on netflix. Check this movie out if you like sci-fi that isn't violent and stupid.

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