Friday, December 21, 2012

parent of the year


My flight was delayed 2 hours and the airport was full of morons and screaming kids. My favorite was a little, would guess 5 or 6 years old, boy running around the gate screaming and crying. His dad was wearing noise cancellation headphones and watching a movie on his ipad.

Parent of the year.

Then the boy ate shit after running into some hapless business man's suitcase. Parent did not look up from his movie. Business guy was traumatized and trying to find out whose kid was laying on his suit case, screaming and crying. Woman in a wheel chair was like "Oh, he's been doing that for an hour. Don't worry."

Is this the best my generation can do????


While waiting to board my plane, which finally showed up.

...a father told his 2 year old daughter, Summer (gay name, she's not even blond), to pull a booger out her nose and eat it (she did).

I thought I was going to throw up.

The mom kept singing that ring around the rosie song. I wanted to punch her.Then they (mom and dad) argued over who was going to change the kid's diaper (you wait until boarding time to think of that???). Kid was crying and grabbing for sippy cup but mom refused to let her have a drink because she doesn't want to change the kid's diaper on the plane (just repeating what she said - husband said "then stop showing her the sippy cup"). Summer kept calling her mom "nanny". And the mom kept saying "I'm not your nanny". No. Shit.

Then they put Summer on a fucking leash.

I fucking hate them. Summer cried the entire flight to Denver, though, she was at least 5 rows away and I could tune her out.

And that's when I realized - I don't hate kids that travel. I hate their parents.

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