Friday, January 20, 2012

my brother and I talk about asperger's

by email, of course...

Bob: What test did you take, and is it available online?  Is there a treatment or just a 'haha, you have aspergers...' Listening to the NPR piece now...

Me: I'll send you the test link tomorrow (downloading a vm ware image which has brought my fuckwit laptop to a screaming halt). 

My ex used to move things on my shelves while I was at work, and we'd get into a huge fight about it when I got home. I realized listening to the npr story that my need for perfectly arranged objects might not be normal but it's not because I'm a bitch. BTW. I am obsessed with license plates and need to come up with some numeric resolution of the plates when I'm driving. It's horrible. Plate ACE 246 is easy. The rest are hard. I do the same with my hotel room numbers.

Also, as I'm getting older my facial recognition skills are getting A LOT worse. Stresses me out at work. I'll spend 10 hours with a customer, show up in the lobby the next day, and NOT recognize the person AT ALL. 

Bob: I like to think that I can't wear my glasses on the beach, and that's why I can't tell anyone from anyone else on the beach.  The reality is that I was in a training session (week long) including an earthquake that disrupted the event, then met a person that was at the training a month later.  He immediately recognized me, I had no recollection of ever meeting him.

I'm starting to think everyone I work with has asperger's...

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