Tuesday, April 7, 2009

one day, for no reason, our planet suddenly exploded

Having had a perfectly horrible day at work, and having bewailed my situation on the phone with my dad for 15 minutes, he suggested I, and I quote, "have a glass of wine...and, um, maybe paint another picture". I think because he didn't want to hear me complain anymore.

So here it is. It's called "one day, for no reason, our planet suddenly exploded". The colors and texture of the exploding planet didn't quite come out in this photo. There's some green in there that you can't see. Also, there's a white epi-center on the star that didn't come out.

That weird blob at the bottom is a person I painted with a triangle for a head. His hands came out pretty good but his feet sucked. So I painted over him. Didn't work like I thought it would.

The white blobs were inspired by me accidentally spilling a white blob on my painting when I was trying to put the epi-center on the star. It looks cooler in real life than it does in this photo. Because, I think in this photo, it looks like it sucks.

Oh well. It's my last small canvas. Now I have to paint bigger.

1 comment:

  1. You're the most interesting person I don't know.
