Friday, March 6, 2009

rock and soul rememberances

Last night Luis, Jeffy, and my climbing partner Dr. Jay went to see my cousin Andrew play at the Rock 'n Soul cafe. I got there early to help set up but all that was left to do was the sound check.

Some kid opened for Andrew but he really sucked. He said, after the second song "It's really hard for me to play if everyone is talking". Yeah kid, you have a great career in music. People probably wouldn't have been talking if he hadn't sucked.

I was laughing to myself about that kid because the last time I went to see Andrew there was a suck band that opened for him also. The lead singer was there with his mom, was not old enough to drink alcohol, and made out with his girlfriend up until the minute he went on stage. I was stuck sitting in front of him because I hadn't realized he was on first and there was no way to move away from the stage without some serious furniture rearrangement.

After suck band was done playing I went outside to smoke while waiting for Andrew to go on. The lead singer of suck band followed me outside and was trying to talk to me. I was standing at the railing, staring out into the parking lot, acting like I didn't speak english. So he came over and stood right next to me and said "I saw you staring at me". I was like what EVER dude! If I was staring it was because your band SUCKED. Then he grabbed the yellow bracelet on my wrist and asked me what it was. I said "it's a wish bracelet". Why do I talk to idiots when I know they are going to do something stupid?

He hooked his pinky under my wish bracelet while at the same time grabbing me and, I'm NOT making this up, saying "well, your wishes are about to come true, baby". He pushed his lips towards me at high velocity. I, in reaction, leaned way back and opened my mouth to say "what the fuck?" but before I could do that his upper lip made contact with the corner of my front tooth, which is a veneer, and it split open and started bleeding. He pulled away from me and grabbed his mouth while I in turn felt my tooth, which cost $1,000 to fix after I broke it in a bike accident, to make sure it wasn't damaged.

Then we both turned as the door to RNS opened. Dumb ass had failed to notice that the front of the cafe is a plate glass WINDOW. Anyone inside could see EVERYTHING going on outside. His girlfriend had been watching as he walked out and then saw him try to kiss me. Needless to say, it was pandemonium. She, being a typical female and therefore an idiot, started screaming at ME. I was like yeah, I really wanted to kiss a guy young enough to be my kid. I love guys with newly sprouted pubic hair. They left immediately afterwards, mother in tow. And I went in to see Andrew but had missed part of the first song.

Jeffy was not happy with the drink selections (and I quote "organic wine? that sucks!"). He was in a pretty good mood overall though because the cover to his book is almost done. He's in Montana next week to ski, I mean, um, go to a conference for work, and he's going to meet up with my publisher Joe for a beer. I don't know how safe that's going to be. I asked him if they were planning to sit around making fun of me all night and he said "Not everything revolves around you".

But, I bet they will make fun of me.

Dr. Jay played with Jeffy's iPhone. Jeffy kept lighting the fake zippo lighter and holding it up while Andrew was playing. Luis had brought out some serious representation from Outward Bound so there was a good audience. Afterwards we were talking about how I need to have a party at my house so everyone could get together. My other cousin Chris, Andrew's twin, is going to be working for Outward Bound this summer so Luis introduced him to a bunch of people. Also, he knows some people that he wants to introduce Andrew to that might be able to help with his music career. I thought that was really great of him to help them.

Today I was walking around down town trying to wake up, or at least waste time until it got dark enough to watch a movie, and I was thinking about how much fun I've been having the past few months skiing and climbing. This week I went out almost every night.


  1. Congrats. You must still be hot if your Jeffy's age and have 20 somethings still hitting on you.

  2. I'm actually not Jeffy's age. I'm younger. But yeah, I'm still hot.

  3. Not that I am questioning your obvious impeccable taste...of your self.

    Photo? ( a real one, we will verify)

    and give you a number from 1-10

    For entertainment, you are a solid 10+

  4. "We" will verify? What are you, the fucking CIA?

  5. No, that's Jeffy.

    I'm just fucking, - good.

    If you post some naked chick pic off the Internet I will know and not be amused. (I've reviewed them all)

    Now get with it Ms. Entertainment, your fans are waiting.

    ...the fucking CIA... lol ... is that any way to treat a clean honest reader?

  6. The blog for clean and honest readers is down the street three blocks. Not anywhere near the neighborhood it appears you hang out. But you can pretend you were lost and that's why you were in my 'hood.
