Thursday, July 30, 2015

funny, flying, and veggies

Today at work my colleague B ate a doughnut that was sitting on my colleague C's desk. He does stuff like that on purpose to piss her off. So when she got back to her desk I ratted B out. Then we tried to think of a good joke to play on him. My suggestion was to tell him that C had pulled the doughnut out of the trash to give to a homeless person. C's was better. She decided to tell him that it was sitting on her desk because she was going to throw it away because it had fallen on the floor in the women's bathroom.

The conversation went something like this:

B: I ate your doughnut.
C: Oh my god! I was going to throw it away because it fell on the floor in the women's bathroom!
B: I wondered why it tasted familiar.


B also said to me "oh, I have a present for you for your anti social network shit". I thought he had made me a PINSM. Instead he brought me these:

I said "but you also have to make me a PINSM" and he said "I can't draw" - um....and I can????
Then I talked to him about when I'm getting my new laptop because my current laptop sucks a bag of dicks. He said "next week, and don't make me another one of those gay ass fucking pictures of rats and shit". And I said "you mean a PINSM?" and he said "one of those gay ass fucking post it notes with pictures of shit on it that you give to people because you have asperger's" and I said "you mean a PINSM?" and that went on until finally he said "yes, a PINSM". Then he left and didn't come back to my desk for the rest of the day.

In other news, I'm going to learn how to fly an airplane. A guy I work with is getting his instructor's license and I'm going to be his first student because, he said and I quote, "I know you'll be an asshole." I'm so excited I've already started studying. If all goes as scheduled my lessons will start in February.

In other news my garden is finally rallying:

black tomatoes!!!! I can't wait to try them!!!!

I also grew these. I wonder what they are. Cucumbers? I thought that was the container where I planted the arugula.

squash! I have a feeling I'm going to have to shoot some squirrels to defend my garden

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