Sunday, June 28, 2015

house calls

Yesterday I walked downtown in my walking boot (my doctor said it was okay to walk more) to get my eyelashes tinted. When I arrived back at my house there was a man waiting at my doorstep. I was listening to music so it took me a minute to realize he was talking to me.

I turned off my music and the guy said "My name is Manuel and I live across from you" (well, actually two houses down in what, seriously, is a crack house). "My girlfriend got drunk last night and fell down the stairs and twisted her foot so I took her to St. Joseph's and they gave her a walking boot just like yours. But she is in serious pain. What should I do?"

He must have seen me walking in the evenings in my boot. It was kind of odd, but he is not the first neighbor to stop by my house like that to ask for help. So I told him to have her elevate it and put ice on the foot. He said they can't make ice but that he had a freezer. So I told him to get gel packs and ace bandages and all the other blah blah blah. I then went into my house and took pictures with his phone of everything he needed to get her just in case he couldn't find it. Not surprisingly, I know which aisle in Safeway has the ace bandages, gel packs, and pain relievers. I told him on the off chance they had moved the stuff to show the pictures to the guy at the pharmacy counter (I know him pretty well too) and that he would help Manuel. Then I gave him a bag of ice for his girlfriend to use while she was waiting for him to get the other stuff.

Manuel thanked me and then asked what I thought about her drinking some vodka for the pain. Um, NO. He told me the only other woman he knows named Franki is a lesbian who is also a semi professional fighter. Oh, interesting. And then he asked if he could stop by in a few days to let me know how his girlfriend is getting on. Of course.

And today I stopped procrastinating and went shopping to buy some skirts since my walking boot is wreaking havoc on my jeans (because of the velcro, it keeps getting stuck to my jeans and makes little bumpy sections on my jeans). I went to white house / black market because I knew they would let me sit in a dressing room and read my magazine while they shopped for me. I got 4 skirts that are thankfully knee length (very hard to find these days, or at least hard for me, most skirts are pretty short, well, I'm not the best shopper so maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places).

I also had to buy some shoes. Yes, I know in the past I've said that just because I wanted new shoes but seriously, I needed shoes with a 2 inch heel so my left leg is the same length as my right leg when I'm walking in my boot because I haven't been wearing those kinds of shoes and my right hip flexor is killing me. Since Nordstrom is across the street from WHBM I decided to go there. Which was the BEST decision ever.

I arrived at the shoe department looking confused and overwhelmed. Stephanie came up to me and said "you look like you need help". I explained what I wanted and within 5 minutes she had picked out two pairs of shoes for me that are appropriate for work and super comfortable (they are designed by an ortho, but they aren't ugly). The shoes aren't the typical style I would pick but once I tried them on I was like "I LOVE them!" Then she suggested some casual, not at work shoes. They were perfect too, and a good call. I never even thought about what shoes I would wear to, for example, walk down to the post office to drop off my netflix movies. And then I bought some shoes with pink flowers on them for when I get out of my walking boot.

In total I spent 15 minutes at Nordstrom and now won't have to go shopping for summer shoes again for a few years. If you're having shoe angst I highly recommend a visit to Stephanie. She's at the cherry creek nordstrom. I swear she will look at your feet for a minute, ask a few style questions, and find you the perfect shoe.

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