Friday, June 26, 2015

eggs, traffic apocolypse and, spoiler alert, my foot is still broken

I went to see my ortho today and unfortunately all my efforts were in vain in curing my foot - the bone is still broken and I'm in my walking boot for another 2 weeks. My doctor seemed confused as to why I might think my foot would be better after two weeks. I tried to explain to him that I have super human healing powers. He didn't buy it. But he did say the new lump in my foot is bone growth over the fracture. So, some progress.

My cube mate C is struggling with hypothyroidism which I happen to know about because I have relatives who have that. I bought her some books that are useful and put in little tabs for the important pages (she's not much of a reader). To thank me she brought me some eggs from her neighbor's chickens. They even still had feathers on them they are so fresh.

feather fresh! I'm going to make an omelet for dinner tonight
 The big excitement for the week was Wednesday. I was planning to work late because I had had a dentist appointment that morning. One second the skies were bright and sunny. I was focused on my architecture. The next second a bunch of people were rushing into my cube so they could look out my window. I was annoyed and about to yell at them when someone yelled "there it is!" I turned around to see an oddly colored sky...and a tornado! C was like "hurry up and pack up and get out of here!" The few of us left in the office hastily gathered our things and as I was headed to the exit a loud alarm started going off. One of the developers I work with grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the door (I'm fast in my walking boot but I can't run unless someone drags me). I got out just in time. Everyone who was still in the building ended up in tornado shelter jail for 1 1/2 hours.

I managed to get to my car without blowing away or being struck by lightning which was more of a challenge than it appears to be in this writing. A REALLY loud siren started going off as if the end of the world was upon us. Then the hail started.

6th Ave was a NIGHTMARE. Every traffic light was out. It was hailing so hard it looked like it was snowing. Major Jake is okay though :) Then grass and leaves from the trees were blowing all over the place and it was hard to see. I started thinking that maybe I should have stayed at work. It was scary. Every time I came to a stop on the road I could feel Major rocking back and forth from the force of the wind.

Then I got to Havana and there were tree branches all over the road. Finally exiting onto Colfax I saw 3 traffic lights still working and thought "I'm home free." Um, nooooo. After the first three lights all the traffic lights were out. I had to pull over twice for fire trucks. I got to Monaco parkway (to get off Colfax), got stuck in more traffic-lightless traffic. But the lights were working on 18th Ave and I thought "NOW I'm home free." Until I got to the block before 18th crosses Colorado. Colorado was closed because of flooding. I'll spare you further details about driving down narrow residential streets and the endless lines of cars. I finally cut through City Park and got to Downing. 2 1/2 hours later I was finally home.

The people who got stuck in the tornado shelter all suffered hail damage. My cube mate C had her damage appraised today - $3,000.

I think I will start telecommuting on storm days :)

And someone I work with sent me this to cheer me up about my foot. I had to read it twice before I got it but then I found it funny, especially because at my previous job I worked with a guy who kind of looked like Ernie so everyone called us Ernie and Bert (I was Bert because Bert has asperger's).

was Bert jewish? I think it would be nice if sesame street had an MOT representative

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