Sunday, June 1, 2014

the best awful shoes ever

I decided on Wednesday that I should look into getting some flip flop like shoes so I don't have to put on my socks and shoes to walk at my treadmill desk. I checked at a store my ortho surgeon recommended to see what they had in stock.

And I did get two pairs of super cute flip flops and have decided to retire my chacos because they hurt my knee (possibly because every pair is at least 5 years old). And I did find one of the most comfortable pair of sandals I have ever worn. They have a rubber sole with a cork middle and the insole is made out of memory foam so it's literally like walking on marshmallows but they are durable enough that I can put a lot of mileage on them without having to replace them.

The only problem is, they are SO FUCKING UGLY.

are you fucking fist fucking me????? this designer needs to be fired and then sent somewhere without pencils and paper so they never design ANYTHING EVER AGAIN - I can't believe I paid $120 for these shoes
Seriously, if I had to walk over molten glass and was given the choice to do it barefoot or with these shoes, I would go barefoot because I don't ever want anyone to see these on my feet. I kept the box so I can hide them when I'm not using them on my treadmill.

Why do shoe designers equate "comfortable shoe" with "people who have no sense of style"? Ech. I'm doing some research on how I can cover that awful triangle in the middle of these shoes with something more esthetically pleasing because I occasionally catch of glimpse of them under my treadmill desk and they make me want to throw up.

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