Monday, May 12, 2014

I'm working, really

Been a while since I posted anything but I swear I have been super busy the past week...

Where to start...well, I got pink highlights in my hair. Yes, pink. REALLY pink. They look so cool but amazingly people I know don't notice them at all until I point them out. They're called "peek-a-boo" highlights but seriously, when I walk down my street or am walking around Target people stop me and compliment my hair so why my friends don't notice I'm not sure. Note that my friend Cam noticed.

Next, I have a leak in my garage roof. I think I know where it is and how to fix it but wasn't able to get to it this weekend because of the rain/snow. I don't know why I keep saying "my last project in the house is done!" because there's ALWAYS another project. I also had to remount a bracket for my bike because it kept falling off the garage wall. It's fixed now. And I moved out my old work table and put a new one in and then cleaned the hell out of the garage because my friend Jess who started a food business is going to use the garage (and my refrigerator) to support her booth at the Jazz fest this saturday. I'm going to be a volunteer for her and she said I'm going to learn to cook brazilian food (ha. ha. ha.).

She was also like "are you sure you'll have room in your refrigerator?" I sent her a pic of my frig and she was like "oh, yeah, plenty of room". I have 5 beers, 5 sodastream sodas, a tub of yogurt, and salad stuff in one drawer in there at the moment. Oh, and a box of feta cheese. It's empty like Houston streets after 6 pm.

Someone tried to jump over my neighbor's fence that I just fixed and it's broken I need to fix it...again...

And the incline on my treadmill isn't working. I tried to fix it and suspect a pinched wire. I called Sole and they are sending replacement wires and a technician out to fix it for free. I think something may have happened when I moved it to my office but we'll see. I did some research to see if it was a common problem and to prepare for an argument with customer service but they were super nice about the whole thing. Note: send in those warranty cards! It made everything simple. He typed in my phone number, brought up my info, and got the wires sent out in about 2 minutes.

Work has been crazy. I came up with an idea for a medical product for people with chronic diseases and I made it through the first meeting with the senior VPs. Next step is to get in touch with the venture capital group at my company and see if I can get funding for it. I feel like this is like trying to get my book published (almost there and then it will end in defeat) so I'm trying to not get my hopes up. But it would be cool if they even just prototyped it.

And I've been working on my gardening chops. I got a $70 amazon gift certificate and have so far managed to purchase 8 gardening books for a total cost of $20 (3 of the books were only a penny). I'm going to sign up for a hunter safety course and an avalanche course and might do the motorcycle safety course (getting in this time of year is a disaster - classes are full). I'm learning a lot about how to grow and pick plants. We'll see what happens once I get my vegetables in. I'm planting arugula, cucumbers, tomatoes, blueberries, blackberries, cilantro, basil, chives, spinach, and maybe one more herb.

Oh, and I found a great pho restaurant a little more than a mile from my house. Very excited I don't have to drive to federal for a pho fix. It's called pho-natic. I'm looking forward to trying some of their other dishes besides pho because I haven't figured out how to transport pho on my bicycle without spilling it.

And I just finished a 48 lecture class on the civil war and am about to start one on meteorology.

So that's my boring little life these days...

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