Monday, March 24, 2014

while cheering up a colleague I make a startling discovery about Mr. Potato Head

I have a colleague who was recently laid off. We have stayed in touch trying to keep each other's spirits up. He sent me this link to David Thorne's blog:

I don't have an excuse to ever be in a bad mood again.  Just have to read another of David's posts...
This one provided today's laughs - pure genius.  Know you will appreciate this...

In response I wrote:

Thanks for sharing! I wonder how famous David Thorne is. Seems like he would be a fun guy to have a drink with.

In other news, I am still making inquiries about that job post you forwarded but no one seems to know a thing. My assumption, based on something I heard in a meeting, is that it might be for X. And it wouldn't surprise me if he put the posting out and then totally forgot so when I asked him he had no knowledge of it. He seems like a good enough guy but boy is he scatter brained. And full of really stupid ideas. And, unfortunately, something about him reminds me of Mr. Potato Head so every time I see or talk to him that jingle about Mr. Potato Head plays in my head and makes his ideas sound even more stupid.

Oh shit. I just looked up the Mr. Potato Head jingle on youtube and realized that the song in my head must be one I made up because it's different. I wonder if there were regionally tailored Mr. Potato Head songs? Or did my brain really conjure up that jingle, which is horrible?

Self doubt sets in. I guess that's what I get for making fun of X.

...and since I'm an aspie I just did a search on the words of the jingle and realized that it's the jingle for Strawberry Short Cake but in my mind it's about Mr. Potato Head.

Possibly that false memory was caused by a severe concussion I suffered falling off the roof onto my head when I was 7...

Which reminds me, I did my medical assessment thing today in the hopes I might get the promised $150 for completing it. I lied and said I only drank 2 glasses of wine a night and they said I drink too much. Ha. My DOCTOR is the one who told me to drink at least 2 glasses of wine a day and that was when I was on chemo. Also, it said I need to sign up for a weight management plan. At first I was insulted but then realized the stupid computer thinks I'm underweight. I have very small bones so I weigh less than other people and the medical assessment can fuck off about that - even my head is abnormally small. I figure I'll lie on the next survey and say I quit drinking and gained 5 pounds and then be like "so send me my money bitches!"

In unrelated news I took an hour break from work today and went to home depot and procured Martha Stewart green glitter paint for my treadmill desk. Will send you a pic when I get it painted. It's sort of a calming green but like a calming green after a nuclear holocaust.

I've been typing this while sitting in on a meeting with B and K on coordinating a bunch of acronymic groups with our practice. Having failed to ask at the beginning of the call what the acronyms stand for I was immediately bored and decided to check in with you. I think I got an assignment but I'm not sure because I was listening to the Mr. Potato Head jingle trying to reform that memory. Now I have a slight head ache and would really like a glass of wine.

Well, you've just wasted precious moments of your life reading the above, and I apologize. Hope things are going well and that you're getting some promising leads on the job front. Keep me posted and I'll continue looking around.

mazel tov and happy monday!

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