Saturday, March 29, 2014

a lost title results in spring cleaning

The other day I was on a boring conference call and decided to clean out my filing cabinet, which is right next to my desk. In the process of doing that I realized I have no idea where the title to my car is.

Two years ago I decided to clean out a bunch of paperwork I had for my consulting gigs and moved a bunch of files I don't need to access very much into a cabinet above the closet in my guest room. I figured the title would be in there so today decided to search for it.

I did not find the title but did find a bunch of papers I don't need anymore. It all started out so innocently, throwing away old expense reports. Then I started throwing away my training materials, old pictures, and software CDs (bye bye XP!).

Then I decided to get rid of my music CDs and photo printer. Then I decided to clean out the cabinets over the closet in my room. The hour I estimated for my title search turned into an all day thing.

Anyway, someone who shops at goodwill is going to be psyched because among other things I donated 4 coach bags and 4 coach wallets there today. Just couldn't be bothered to put them on eBay. And, btw, what is up with the crazy people on Denver's craigslist? I sold a few things there and would get emails at 10 o'clock at night from guys asking if they could stop by around 11:30 that evening to look at my versa climber, sleeping bag, etc.

As. If.

Maybe I shouldn't clean when I'm depressed but I am a big proponent of getting rid of things that I've forgotten I have. And it turns out it's pretty easy to get a duplicate title in Colorado. All you have to do is mail in a form and $8.20. They send the new title to you, eventually.

Tomorrow I'm going to paint my treadmill desk with some glitter paint. Should look cool, or horrible.

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