Saturday, June 2, 2012

next time just ask for my number

On Friday, for the first time in like 10 years, I was seated next to a hot guy on the flight from Burbank to Denver. More importantly, the hot guy wanted to talk to me.

When I first sat down he said "I noticed you in the waiting area. Is that a fake cigarette you're smoking? That's so cool." I normally don't talk to people on planes but he had really nice eyes, so we chatted about what we were doing in Burbank (he's a journalist who covered the war in Iraq embedded with troops, now he's making a documentary about drug cartels in California, and he was once robbed at gun point in Pakistan in the mid 90s) and why we were going to Denver (his family has a house in Aspen and he was visiting them for the weekend, catching his flight to Aspen from Denver). He was also carrying a copy of the latest new yorker.

A guy right up my alley, right? But, even when he was asking me if I was single, if I had kids, if I found it a struggle to have a relationship with my schedule, I just fired off answers like I was on a job interview. I told him about Paradox Sports and he said "I have a friend who just did a documentary on wounded war vets. If they need some publicity I can put them in touch with someone if you give me your contact info." But I didn't want him to think I was trying to use him for his contacts so I said "Oh, that's okay. I don't want to trouble you."

Our flight was delayed due to mechanical problems and he was worried he would miss his flight to Aspen. He said "I guess if I miss it I'll have to hang around Denver this evening" and I was like "at least it's a fun town", totally missing the hint. And when the plane landed he didn't seem to be in a rush, so I was rushing him along (I have this thing about missing flights) to make sure he got to his plane (when we landed he was like "I'll never make it" and I was like "no, the gate's just right down the hall, you'll make it!").

We said goodbye and went our separate ways. It was only when I got to the elevator to the parking lot that I realized that he was flirting with me. I am SUCH a FUCKING MORON.

It's time to get my game back on. I can't believe I met a cool guy that is like me and that reads the new yorker and was a war correspondent (weirdly that's kind of a dream job for me) and I totally fucked it up because I'm a fuck wit idiot with no social skills.

Someone kick me in the ass, please.

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