Monday, April 27, 2009


I got done with my customer early today, and went to check into my hotel out here at Ft. Huachuca. Inside the lobby was a great thing, that great thing being a german shepard puppy. He's about four months old, dark brown with black spots and really nice eyes.

The manager of the hotel found him abandoned on the side of the road this morning going into work. He brought him to the hotel and was debating whether or not he was going to take him to the pound. "You're going to take this great dog to the pound?" I asked. He said he wasn't sure if he could keep him or not. I was petting Puppy while I was waiting for them to check and see if my room was ready. Then when I started down the hall to my room Puppy followed me. The manager said "I think he likes you" and asked if I wanted him. Of course I want him, but I can't keep a dog with my travel schedule.

I went to the store (I had to anyway, because I forgot to bring tea) and got Puppy some bowls, a collar, a toothbrush, a hair brush, some vitamins, food, a stuffed bear, and a leash. When I got back to the hotel Puppy was waiting for me in the lobby. I showed him the collar, but I think he thought it was kind of gay and he didn't want to wear it. He liked the toothbrush and the stuffed bear. I gave him some vitamins and he decided he wanted to hang out with me. So the manager said he could hang out in my room until the manager had to go home (he has decided to keep Puppy, at least for now).

Puppy wanted more vitamins (they are wrapped in fake bacon) so I gave him some. Then he said he wanted a piece of the butterscotch candy they gave me, for unknown reasons, when I checked in. I said "Are you sure you like this candy? Because I don't think dogs eat butterscotch." Puppy told me that he did really, really like butterscotch. He put the eyes on me until I gave him a piece.

It turns out, I was right. Puppy licked the butterscotch for a minute or two, while I was working on email, and then he dropped it on the leg of my yoga pants, covered in spit. I was like dude, and he was like oh I'm sorry, I'm just a puppy.

He wanted me to brush his hair but after a few minutes I told him I had work to do and that he should play with his bear. I thought he was doing that but then I looked over at him and saw he was biting a chair. I told him if he mauled any more furniture I was going to make him go back to the lobby, because I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a job and isn't going to pay for that chair he bit (the manager said Puppy also bit a sofa in the lobby, and he isn't going to charge me for the chair).

We decided to sit on the bed while I tweaked a few things for my class, also giving me the advantage of being able to see what he was chewing on. I was explaining to him how the software I consult on works, and how it has cool reporting features that I ran for him, but he fell asleep. Then he pretended to be in such a deep puppy sleep that when I told him we had to go back to the lobby so he could go home with the manager he wouldn't wake up. I knew he was faking it because I saw him open his eyes when he thought I wasn't looking.

I put the vitamins and brushes back into the bag and then, when he saw I was going to leave with the vitamins, he miraculously was awake. I noticed he drooled on the two good pillows instead of the manky foam ones.

I dropped him off with the manager and said that I would take him for a walk or something tomorrow if he brought Puppy in to work. The manager said he would think about it. He also was trying to come up with a name for Puppy. I suggested Galapagos, Euclid, or Dogdaf (a play on the architecture framework that I teach, DoDAF).

He said he might call him Buddy. I hope he brings Puppy back tomorrow.


  1. Ft Huachuca, the end of the earth. Well, the end of the US anyway. Be sure to visit

    See the Hummingbird preserve, no kidding.

    They also have some nice cottages up there if you want peace and quiet. No TV, take your reading materials, sign the guest book.

    What kind of architecture framework?

  2. I would of bet 100 dollars you took the dog home when I started reading this or searched a 4 city area for the best home for Dogdaf.
