Saturday, March 21, 2009

the souls of stars

Last night I had a dream that I had a magic telescope that would let me see the souls of stars. At the beginning of the dream I was standing on top of this round hill looking up at this amazing collection of stars in the sky. I pulled out my telescope and looked through it. The sky looked the same. But then I switched to the telescope mode for looking at souls and every star turned into a painting or a card or a poem.

Some of the cards were actual, like, Hallmark cards, and one that I saw had a cartoon birthday cake on the front of it. When I opened the card (because I could some how do that with the telescope) it said "Happy Birthday! Love mom". I thought it was weird that a star would pick that as its soul representation.

Next I looked at a star with a poem representation. The poems were written in star script so I couldn't read them, but this guy who suddenly appeared next to me on the hill, who looked like a monk or something, would start reciting the poem in English when I would look at it in the telescope. If I moved between stars that had poem representations he would stop mid sentence and start reading the next poem, like switching forward to the next song on an MP3 player.

The stars with paintings were my favorite. Some of the paintings were real world paintings like the Mona Lisa. Others were paintings I've never seen before.

It was a really cool dream.

Then I woke up , and it was only 4 am, so I went back to sleep. This time I dreamed that I was on this huge white cruise ship kind of boat, but Angelina Jolie and I were the only ones on the boat. We were going to somewhere in the southern US to do an ice climbing demonstration, because it turned out the hull of the boat was made of material that was like ice that we could climb up.

So we pull into the harbor and I go to put on my crampons but they don't fit me anymore and they keep falling off. Angelina says they must have gotten swollen in the ocean air (even though metal doesn't really swell because of air). She was kind of pissed at me about my crampons, so then I told her that I remembered my ex boyfriend worked at a climbing shop where I could get some crampons.

So we go to the climbing shop and it's this guy I used to date in Ouray, and he says he can get me some crampons if I let him have a party on the cruise boat. I agree even though Angelina thinks it's a bad idea and doesn't want him on the boat. So he brings all of his friends over and they start destroying our boat, throwing beer cans everywhere and smashing up the sides with their ice axes. Angelina tells me to find my ex and get him and his friends off the boat immediately.

So we start going down a hallway when I see the room to my cabin is closed, and I can hear my ex in there with some girl. So I look at Angelina and tell her I can't believe, with all the open rooms on the boat, that he would pick mine to have sex in. Then I also realize the girl he's with is the girl he was fucking while we were dating. And Angelina asks me why I think he would act any differently than he did when we were dating. And then she asked me if I even cared.

And I decided I didn't care, so I opened up the door and started yelling at him. He and his friends left. And then Angelina said that since I did such a good job with my ex, I would get a pair of magic shoes that had retractable crampons so I would always have them with me. And the best part is the shoes were really pink flip flops. So then we went ice climbing on the side of the boat and a bunch of people were watching us and clapping and throwing confetti.

Then I woke up.

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