Sunday, March 15, 2009

sugar sleep, but still no explanation on the lipstick

I just read this article on Yahoo about what causes vivid dreaming. I think it's fair to say I'm a vivid dreamer, which is why I read the article.

The study of dreams is called oneirology. We spend, on average, 6 years of our life dreaming. That just makes me even more shocked when I meet people who claim they don't dream or don't remember their dreams. It's like they've lost 6 years of their life that they can't remember. Dreams occur during the REM stage of sleep, where the brain is as active as it is when you're awake (well, some people's brains are active when they're awake, but let's not generalize too much).

Besides being caused by diabetes (don't have that), bipolar disorder (I think I'm pretty sane) and other neurological issues (I'm not plotting dastardly deeds against humanity) three big factors in vivid dreaming are an excess intake of vitamin B6, spicy food intake, and low blood sugar.

I definitely could have an excess of B6 rolling around in my system since I take vitamins every day and usually drink vitamin water. Apparently this is a bad thing. But, compared to nicotine, probably not something I'm going to worry about for now.

Spicy foods...that could be a problem too. I eat jalapenos on almost every thing. Apparently spicy foods elevate the body's temperature and disrupt sleep. This is especially true if the food is eaten right before bed. Given my schedule on the road (customers who want me to work until 7 every night, trying to get in a workout, trying to find food that I actually want to eat) I usually don't get a chance to eat until right before I go to bed. And if I ate more protein that would help with the nightmares, supposedly.

As for sugar, in the past I've had low blood sugar. Last year I fainted in a department store in Arkansas (I was there because I had forgotten to pack any shirts for my consulting engagement). Fainting worked out well for me because I got to sit in the dressing room with a cool drink while a sales lady shopped for me.

Though, after I got back to my hotel room noticed I had lipstick on my big toe. I have no idea how it got there.


  1. this dream shit has got to go.

    Do you talk this much too?

  2. Your comments are not logically related that I can see, and confusing. But thanks for reading.
