Tuesday, February 3, 2009

thanks for the sun

I got up at 5 this morning and worked like mad to get everything done I needed to get done for work so that I could ski today.

Got up to Copper at one-ish. I skied until the lifts closed at 4. Slid into the chute right as they were closing American Flyer and they let me go up. It was another blue bird day, temps high enough that I didn't even use hand warmers. It was great and I felt the happiest that I've felt in a long time. Have another two days to myself and then will be joining Jeffy for what promises to be an epic two days.

I like to go on ski trips by myself because I get to do whatever I want on the lift and not get yelled at. I take my gloves off. I don't hold on to my ski poles. I don't put that bar thing down and I knock my skis together. I did kind of miss my ex-boyfriend's happy dinosaur noises that he used to make when we were riding the lift. I also missed having Jeffy smashing his hand down on top of my helmet when I said something funny (I think Jeffy's hand is bigger than my entire head).

There were a lot of ginger kids skiing today. I got on a lift with this super ginger kid. His hair was a sickeningly red shade of red. The whole time he was talking to me I kept imagining his pubic hair being that same color of red. Yuck. I don't know how people can fuck really red red heads. I bet that kid never gets laid. Who wants to see some flaccid white blob of flesh like a fucking dumpling sitting in a pile of scary hair.

I practiced the exercises that Jeffy told me to do. I've spent the past few weeks, when I'm at home, working on my bosu ball to get better at shifting my weight to my right leg (I do that while I'm watching a movie, which can get tricky if I also have to read subtitles). After a half hour I was doing a lot better about not picking up my ski. I may take a lesson on Thursday to make sure I can ski well with Jeffy on Friday. Otherwise, I might not ever see him again. He made fun of me for almost stabbing him with my pole last time we skied together, when he snuck up behind me as I was playing 20 dollar in my head (even though I said I was going to stop thinking MIA music in my head all the time as a new year's resolution - "I put people on the map that have never seen a map" - okay, make that song stop).

The other thing I figured out is what I was doing wrong with my upper body. I noticed Jeffy was doing something with his shoulders but I couldn't figure out how to do it myself. Today I did better at trying to keep my upper hill shoulder turned in with my knee. I credit the tango music I was listening to, because I noticed when I was listening to the who I was not doing as good of a shoulder job.

I can't figure out how to turn my boot heaters on, but I brought the manual so I guess I can look it up. The manual is...somewhere. I'll probably just call Jeffy tomorrow, and that will be one more thing I will get shit about for the rest of my life. Yes, I have a master's in engineering. No, I can't figure out how the on switch works. And the fucking things keep blinking their little red lights at me like hahahahayoucan'tfigureitoutpushthebuttonagainmaybesomethingwillhappen.

I wonder if the other thing that's helping is climbing. Yesterday I was feeling pretty solid even though I hadn't climbed in over 10 days (LA engagement, no close gym, as if I had time anyway). Climbing is probably the best therapy for knee injuries. I'll do some of that when I get home this weekend. My knee kind of looks like a hot air balloon right now and I forgot my ice packs.

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