Friday, February 6, 2009


Last night Jeffy and I went to see an artist named Jonny Mogambo. He's a really amazing performer. He has this song called big fluffy beaver that was written by a woman in Texas. The song is hilarious. And the words are so offensive a big group of Texans left the bar. We listened to it this morning before we went skiing and I would start laughing as I was skiing because I was thinking about the song.

Jeffy chills out after skiing

Also, Jeffy decided to pretend he had turret's syndrome today. We would be sitting on the lift or skiing and Jeffy would start yelling bad words. It was pretty funny. BC was not crowded today and the snow wasn't horrible. I did a few bumps, did some jumps in the terrain park, and even went in the half pipe. It was fun.

Tonight we are going to see Jonny again. Last night when I got home I sent him an email with a Marty Robbins song that I love. Hopefully he will play it tonight. Last night Jonny said he wasn't sure who MR was, but I think that's because he was drunk. After he finished playing he sat down at our table and we talked for a while. He's supposed to let me know if he's ever playing in Denver.

One kind of crap thing about the bar we went to was the shot ski. It's a ski with four shot glasses on it. People line up and do the shots from the ski. Since our table was right next to the stage we had to accommodate the shot ski. They would put the ski down in front of us and then everyone would face us while doing the shot. I was like "Jeffy, if someone projectile vomits on me I'm going to break their ass." But no one puked on me.

Woke up this morning around 7 with a hangover from having two glasses of wine and two beers after skiing all day. And last night after we got home from the bar I had some dessert wine. We listened to kid rock and Jeffy smoked cigarettes even though he quit.

I had so much fun last night that I decided to stay here one more night. But then I really am going home. And I'm not allowed to ski tomorrow. Today my knee looks like a hot air balloon. Every time I show it to Jeffy I can tell he wants to poke it because it looks so gross.

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