Monday, January 4, 2016


In accordance with my christmas plan, I made meatloaf. My friend, who knows how to cook, came over to supervise and provide tips since I've never made it before. I think my favorite comment was "don't pretend you know how to use a can opener, just give me that can and I'll open it for you."

My can opener is very complicated to use.

We also made mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, and asparagus. I added a bunch of shit to the meatloaf recipe, including red and green peppers, spinach, and feta cheese.

It was really good except for a few mishaps. Firstly, I didn't realize I had to beat the eggs before I added them into the meatloaf. Because I had just dumped hot vegetables in with the meat the eggs basically cooked on contact. So the meatloaf had little white chunks of egg in it (I tried to pretend the white chunks were feta but my friend was not fooled).

And I believe because I added extra vegetables and didn't get the eggs added right I couldn't form the meatloaf into a loaf. Solution? Put it in a bread loaf pan thingy. Which was a great idea except that as it cooked the meatloaf swelled up and the catsup on top spilled all over the inside of the oven causing a small fire and a lot of smoke. We had to prop open the back door to get the smoke to clear even though it was fucking cold outside.

We remedied that problem by putting a cookie tray with potatoes on it under the meatloaf to catch the overflow. They (the potatoes) turned out really well.

The final verdict from my friend?

"The meatloaf looks really weird but it tastes good. And you included a lot of things in this dinner that make people fart. Maybe next time just make one vegetable that causes people to fart. And learn to use a can opener."

I declare victory.

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