Sunday, July 19, 2015

stolen library, tiny houses

Someone stole the lending library that was outside the artist building.
they better at least read the books I put in there
And, the artist building had a rally to address the homeless issue in my neighborhood. As part of the event they had artists build tiny homes in which the homeless could live. If it wasn't illegal.
two tiny houses

this one has a skylight

it's a pretty decent size

this one needs work...

but it looks cool
I took some pictures and then was walking home when a man came running up behind me and scared me. It turns out his name is James and he's one of the artists building the tiny homes. The home above is where he is currently living. He wanted me to take a picture of him on the "front porch" of his house.
James sitting on his "front porch" - he built this house with $300

the inside of his house - yes, that's an elf
He showed me the insides of most of the tiny houses and then insisted I take my sunglasses off so he could see my soul. I lowered my shades and he said "Well, looks like everything is okay with your soul". Great.

James correcting one of the posters used for rally saying that the number of homeless children in the US (1,200,000) was bullshit because he travels all around the US and he said the number is higher

I asked him about the solar panels on one of the tiny homes and he said "I wonder if they have air conditioning in there". Then he suggested we steal a bench from the greyhound maintenance depot next door so we could sit in the shade. We didn't.
 It was an...interesting...encounter. He asked why I don't have children and quoted a bible verse about how women are supposed to have lots of children. He said he has an IQ of 180 due to having smart parents. He found a dime, flipped it, and  I guessed it landed on tails, which was right, so he threw the dime at me and it landed somewhere and we couldn't find it. He also asked if I get sunburned easily since we were standing in the sun. I told him I burn at first and then tan because I have Italian blood. He said "well, no matter what color you end up being, don't forget you're beautiful".


Then he leaned over and gave me a hug and kissed me on the shoulder.

Crazy people really like me.
in other news my kombucha is coming along nicely - going to PH test / taste it tomorrow

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