Sunday, July 19, 2015

first reading

 I ordered some tarot cards after my meeting with the psychic and they came on Friday. Since I woke up at 430 this morning and had some time to kill before starting my errands I did a reading on myself. This reading involves contemplating a problem and then getting tarot card advice. Because when ever  talk to people about my problem (i.e. why is my life so strange) they don't really have any advice.

It was pretty accurate and I think it relates to some interesting developments at work.

The first card is the past. It's the magician. It represents the ability to summon new ideas. I think it relates to something that happened this past week at work where I suggested a new application that would be helpful and got an unexpectedly good reception.

The second card is the present. It's the fool. The fool represents the ability to jump into the unknown and start over. Exactly what I'm doing at work trying to design this new application.

The third card is the world. It indicates what is helping with your problem. The world indicates the ability to transcend problems. I think this is also related to work.

The fourth card represents obstacles. It's that judgement card, which I have gotten at every tarot reading. According to my tarot card book it can mean delays will cause a missed opportunity. And it can mean a promotion at work.

The fifth card was the ace of pentacles. It represents the attitude of others. It represents opportunity for growth. Like at work.

The sixth card is what should be done about the problem. It's the knight of rods. It signifies, among other things, travel. Which, if my app idea is accepted, is what I will be doing to pitch it and get funding (I would have to travel to DC to pitch it to the money guys).

The seventh card is the outcome. The card is the queen of rods. The queen of rods, among other things, represents work for charity. While the aforementioned app doesn't have a charity focus in the typical sense, it can help some people who are under employed find work more easily.

So...we'll see what happens with my app idea.

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