Sunday, July 12, 2015


Saturday was quite the crazy adventure visiting a psychic in Cheyenne.

On Friday night I looked up her house on mapquest to get an idea of how long it would take to drive there. Then I decided to write down the directions, which ended up being a good thing, because neither my normal gps nor my phone gps was recognizing Cheyenne as a city in Wyoming on Saturday morning.

The psychic lives next to a graveyard and had a yard full of dogs. That kind of freaked me out. But as soon as she came out of the house she gave me a hug and it was strangely calming. And I would like to state here that I do think she is psychic because of some of the shit that happened.

I went into her parlor where she reads and she had me pick a deck of tarot cards. Then I had to separate them into as many piles as I wanted. I might have gone a little crazy with the piles because she eventually told me to stop making piles. Then she told me to put the piles back together, which took me a while, and she finally said "it doesn't have to be perfect, I think we can get started".

I had a something card come up first (I forgot to write it down) that said I was dealing with loss. So I'm supposed to write a list but I also forgot to write down what kind of list and I can't remember. Then some other stuff happened and the fucking hangman card showed up. It means my life is suspended. Which is soon to change since I got my walking boot off. I hope.

She asked about my love life and I was like "um, yeahhhh, nothing to report" so she turned over a card and it was the 10 of cups which is apparently a good thing and supposedly I'm going to meet the love of my life or some shit because I got the knight of cups card. So I was like "great, and how long is that going to take?" and she turned over the 4 of wands which means I have to date 4 people before I meet the dude, but he could also be one of the four. Or something. She said I can't find him and that he will find me by the intentions I put out in the universe.

I got the justice card and she said I don't have a good balance in my life and that I need to socialize more and, this is a quote, "try wearing some make up".

She said I attract "fix me" people because I have a healing aura but that I need to stay away from that shit. She said everything that I need to work on now is spiritual because I'm a pretty evolved person and that I need to start meditating. Which is funny because I was trying to meditate earlier this year but it was mostly to try to turn my asshole manager into a lobster. My brother Steve got me a meditation bench for christmas (the psychic said he's one of my helper angels) but I confess (sorry Steve!) I've been using it for ab exercises instead of meditation. I'll start meditating tomorrow...

I asked her about my friend G. I've been email friends with him since 2003 when we met at a rock and ice party. He's one of those people that I had an instant friendship with. I've only seen him in real life 3 times but he always shows up in my life when I need him. She flipped over his card and he was the high priest. That's the guy who mediates between the gods and humans and he is the keeper and provider of knowledge and wisdom. So true. The reason I brought him up is because he emailed me right as I was pulling up at the psychic's house. I told him what she said, will be interested to see his response.

My future could potentially be the tower card, which is bad. So she suggested I get a dog (this is one of the things that made me think she is psychic - I have been looking for a dog). And she also randomly said "what's going on with the yellow roses in your back yard?" and I told her how my dad and I had planted them when I first moved into my house in Denver and that they started to die (because my landscaper transplanted them) right after he was diagnosed with cancer and I kept thinking if the roses lived my dad would live and that ended up happening.

She also said "when you go to vedawoo today use it as a time to meditate and stop injuring your body although I know you won't listen to me today". I had planned on doing some mountain biking there after my reading and there is no way she could have known that because I was not wearing biking clothes and my mountain bike was inside my car.

I did break my smallest toe on my right foot while biking there. Oops. But the rest of my foot is fine.

Finally she said my life is going to change dramatically in the next few weeks. We'll see.

She picked an angel card for me and it said "creative project". She asked what that was about and I told her I'm a writer. She suggested I write a book about angels for kids (instead when I was driving home I came up with an idea about a quirky nanny who, I guess, could be an angel). Then she said she wanted to write a book so we spent an hour discussing her book and her life. It was odd how many parallels there were between her life and mine.

My favorite part was the end when her black cat came into the room. She said the cat comes into the room when the reading is over and that the cat is her familiar. Then the cat pooped on the floor. I knew it would be inappropriate to laugh so I didn't. But I almost bit through my lower lip trying not to laugh. When I got to my car I laughed so hard that I cried and it took me 10 minutes to get myself under enough control that I could drive my car.

So, back to the angel cards...I had to pick one and this is the card I got:

this card summarized the reading...interesting
Anyway, then I went biking in vedawoo and broke my little toe hopping into a rock instead of over it. I'm going to try to get through the next week without breaking any more shit in my right foot.

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