Thursday, December 4, 2014

further signs my Buddhist mind control is working - the singing lobster, in person

My manager, who I still dislike after spending two days in person with him, gave everyone on his team calendars that he had made at shutterfly using photos he's taken over the years. I guess that was a nice idea. I'm trying to not be insulted that he gave everyone else (guys) calendars with hiking themes, and I got a calendar called "sunrises and sunsets". To be honest I do like sunrises and sunsets (perhaps an indication that some of my thoughts are leaking into my manager's head? let's hope not!). Well, the insult wasn't so much the theme of the calendar but his surprise that I had done almost all of the hikes that he put in the guys' calendars. As if women don't hike...

Anyway, I was flipping through my calendar, and most of the pictures were taken at the beach. And at the bottom of the square date boxes on the calendar, for every beach picture, he included a little graphic. For his birth month, he included this graphic:

SERIOUSLY!!!!!!! I know you won't believe me, but that is the EXACT mental picture I had of the giant singing lobster
He made the calendars THE DAY AFTER I implemented the giant singing lobster plan (I asked him, pretending that I wanted to make a calendar). And it was only while trying to figure out the significance of the month the lobster appeared on (with the help of my admin) that I found out it was his birth month (everyone in my group gets cake or whatever on their birthday).

Coincidence? Maybe. Or maybe not.

Any Buddhists with ideas of what this means should feel free to let me know.

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