Friday, May 15, 2015

the many, many monitors

The poor gangly white kid just can't win.

I have gone through a protracted argument since I arrived at my new job with my EM (equipment manager) to get rid of three monitors so I only have one to look at. Apparently I was seen as a little ungrateful for not want four huge monitors. I realize they are expensive and they're seen as a status symbol in my office (the more monitors you have the more important you are) but I found them fucking annoying.

Anyway, I finally unhooked the monitors on Monday and piled them unceremoniously at the end of my cube desk to ensure the EM knew I meant I didn't want them anymore. This caused me great stress for days as it made my desk look messy. Finally on Thursday the EM said he would take them back to the warehouse.

Meanwhile, gangly has for some reason imprinted himself on me and decided that, since his haircut didn't get him any street cred, maybe eliminating one of his two monitors would. So around the time I unplugged my three monitors he unplugged one of his and used the same excuses I did (headache, nausea, feelings of claustrophobia, not used to looking at screens since I don't have a tv, fear they will fall on me, etc.).

I'm not sure who organized this, but either on Thursday evening after I left work (which is improbable since I didn't leave until 7 PM) or Friday morning (I didn't get in until 7 AM so that's more likely) someone (or, I'm guessing many people) unhooked all but a single monitor so every desk in my cube area only has one monitor.

And guess where they put the unhooked monitors.

Poor gangly showed up today to a cube so full of monitors there wasn't even a place for him to sit down.

Not sure what happened to the rest of the monitors in his cube but I know for a fact mine went back to the warehouse.

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