Saturday, March 14, 2015

a confession that embarrasses me

One of the most useful things I learned in my astronomy class was how to find stars by using easy to see constellations. I also learned how to use a planisphere (I got one with my course).

However, something has been troubling me for the past two weeks as I took the class. Most of the constellations have stories that explain where they are in the sky and that are supposed to help you recognize them. And I consider myself a pretty creative person.

I can't see the fucking bear in ursa major. I can't see the horse in Pegasus. The southern cross is supposed to be so beautiful but it looked like all the other stars. About the only constellation that I can really see is the big dipper. Pathetic.

And I got completely confused by stories about mortals sleeping with gods or gods chasing creatures and throwing them in the sky like the hydra and all that shit about lovers being banished to the edges of the universe but being able to see each other once a year because magpies would gather so they could walk across the sky and see each other (can't remember the name of those two constellations, but it was something about a god being pissed at two mortals who were in love so he separated them or some shit). And that story about the dude, Phaethon, who rode his dad's chariot across the sky and wrecked it...why does that story, which is so old, not redeem women drivers?

My favorite lecture was on the northern globulars. Mostly because I just like that phrase. I find myself saying it in my head over and over

I now know what causes the aurora borealis and why you can sometimes see the moon during the day. I know the difference between spiral galaxies and clusters. One interesting thing is that we think we're a spiral galaxy but we don't know because we can't see ourselves.

Next week I start a data analysis class. Hopefully that will be as entertaining.

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