Monday, July 7, 2014

weird things happen in 3s to me

When I got home from Virginia Saturday night I opened my suitcase (which I checked, because it was cheaper than paying for overhead bin space) and found the usual TSA inspection notice (they like to inspect my bag every time I check it).

I also found, next to the inspection notice...

what the fuck? why would TSA put chopsticks in my bag????
Odd. I washed my bag thoroughly in case the inspector spilled some of his take out in it.

Then on Sunday a friend who recently bought a Ural side car motorcycle asked if I wanted to go for a ride in it. Uh, hell yeah. We were going to go to Mt. Evans but the weather looked questionable so instead we rode up a dirt road that goes to Central City. At one point, as we were approaching a blind hairpin turn, the motorcycle shut off. I was like "uh oh, fucking russian engineering" but it turns out the wind shield had some how vibrated into the power button and shut the bike off (though my friend has been doing a ton of off roading, that had never happened before).

He got the bike restarted and just as we were rolling again a kid came tearing around the turn full speed in his car. Had the motorcycle not died when it did he would have hit us head on. And we would have died. Or been knocked off the road, down a cliff, and then died. My friend said "I forgot that every time I go somewhere with you something weird fucking happens."

The final odd thing happened at the Fidelity office. I'm working with a professional investor now since I have enough money in my retirement account to get the service for free. As I was waiting for my investor guy a homeless guy came into the lobby and he asked if he could feel my arm because he didn't believe my skin was really skin (why does everyone think I'm a cyborg????). Also, he wanted to try on my shoes. And use my cell phone. And suggested I fold my magazine in half so he could read one page while I was reading the other.

I was finally saved by my investor guy. Turns out the homeless guy opened an account with Fidelity (he has $50 in his account) so he can sit in the air conditioning and watch TV. But, my investor guy said, he's never talked to anyone in the lobby before.

Lucky me.

Hopefully that's the end of the weird things for this week. Aw shit, it's only Monday?

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