Sunday, June 8, 2014

a weekend in photos - gifts gone wild

Give me a gift certificate to Home Depot and Amazon (thanks Bob!) and you can expect all hell to break loose.

I've had a number of non-critical things I wanted to do around my house. Also, I am helping Jess and Edglas at an event next Saturday, brewgrass,  so I had some prep things to do.

First, the amazon gift certificate. Besides buying 3 used movies (surfwise, battle royale, and cloud atlas) and 6 used books (Virginia Woolf collection, St. Aubry collection, Making a Killing, a book on clouds, a book about ocean waves, and the power of habits) I also bought two dollies we can use to haul stuff around and roll the coolers under and out from under the tables at the booth.

it has rubber on top so the coolers won't slip and it can hold 800 lbs!
I also bought a privacy screen for my deck and two strands of 100 lightbulb solar christmas lights. My deck looks very cool!

christmas lights up (I hadn't put the privacy screen up yet)

privacy screen, as seen from the deck - I love my staple gun
privacy screen from below, you can hardly see it when the sun is shining
And I spent Saturday night making little packets to put the acaraje in. I had to stuff one packet into another packet and then cut the right side. I'm almost through the whole box, hopefully will be done tonight.

making packets for acaraje! btw, you're SUPPOSED to wear gloves when handling the packets

I found a few other things we're going to need for brewgrass that we didn't have the last time - this mat will replace a big metal tray and the dishes will be used to rest the spoons on
I also went to HD yesterday with the gift certificate my parents gave me and bought some pots and plants.
these flowers all smell nice, and I had to move my other plants inside because they were getting burned by the sun - most of these plants will flower into the fall, hooray!
Then I went back to HD today because I finally figured out what to do about my creepy dirt floor crawl space (I'm going to cover the floor with a vapor barrier I ordered this morning and use drylock to seal the bricks / plaster). I also had a new painting project in mind.

the last of my HD gift certificate - drylock, rollers, gloves, a crap paint brush, scrubbing bubble (I can't resist cleaning products) and safety goggles...I had to get those respirator masks and the goggles for working in the crawl space
I took these two old tv tray tables (purchased in 1994!!!!)...

...and painted them this snazzy neon red which did not show up very well in this picture - I'll take another pic when they're done

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