Friday, April 11, 2014

I'm not bernie madoff, but I do have screws on my desk

Well, it's been quite a day. Got up at the crack of dawn because the guys came to turn on my sprinklers at 730 this morning and for some reason, when people come to my house, I feel the need to be showered and stuff. Not that they care.

Then I moved my old shelves out of my office and put together my new ones. Very cool.

green matches my treadmill desk, sans glitter

Then I began the project to create a frame for my white board. Note to self, do a search before attempting to paint a white board on the wall. I found a bunch of suggestions for just taking a picture frame, putting a cool pattern in where the picture should go, and then writing on the glass. Cheaper, and a lot less work than my project.

Should have done a search before hand...

In any case, I've never built a frame before. I went to home depot and the only wood I could find was a thick pine but I got it anyway. And, while I was driving to hd, I saw the car in front of me hit a guy on a bicycle at the junction of Colfax and I-25 (exit ramp). He was okay but his back tire was mangled. Stupid bitch talking on her cell phone.

Where was I...oh yes, making the frame. I wouldn't suggest this process, but here's what I did:

One side of my white board is an inch shorter than the other (shut up Bob and Steve - YOU try leveling painters tape by yourself) so I decided to put the frame on so I could exactly measure where all the pieces needed to be cut.

so, um, that's my manual saw and crappy plastic mitre box - and my cutting surface is my as yet to be installed swamp cooler

fucking board kept moving around, and I have no idea where my clamps are, so I improvised with zip ties and zip tied each board to the mitre box before cutting it

switched to using my DWR desk that used to be in my office because the swamp cooler was not cutting it (haha) and then realized I cut one of the boards at the wrong angle...redo...glad I got all the boards in the same size so I used the mis-cut board for the (shorter) side and an as yet to be cut board as the replacement for the mis-cut board

ends sanded...ready to assemble...
are you fucking shocked? me too - it WORKED!!!!
Now all I have to do is staple the frame together, prime it, and then paint it with the glitter paint. Hopefully the staples will work...and not exactly sure how I'll get it on the wall by myself...but I'll think of something.

BTW, fitbit only gave me 500 steps for spending an hour sawing. Fuck you fitbit.

tools at the ready for mounting the white board...

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