Thursday, May 16, 2013

I should never tell my friends I'm an aspie

Asperger's. Yeah. Great for engineering work. Not so great when you have friends and you read their emails really fast.

Don't read the text, just quickly look at the picture and answer the question if which chocolate bar you would give the kid.
I picked the milky way. Don't know why. I think they're gross. Actually, the midnight ones aren't bad. But that puffy crap freaks me the fuck out. What is that puffy crap? It's in snickers too.

You're not too far on the spectrum of Asp., they don't know which one the kid wants... From a book on decision making I"m reading.

So which one did the fucking kid want? If he wanted something else why is he looking at the milky way (weirdly, after you said I was wrong I looked at the pic again to see why I might have picked the milky way - I realized I hadn't looked at the kids face and was picking more due to the placement of the candy bars - but I must have subconsciously noticed him eying the milky way that he apparently doesn't want - fucking kids)? See, that's what's wrong with people. I would look at the candy bar I wanted. Doing anything else is illogical. Anyway, all those candy bars suck. I like gummi bears.

For the record, I'm a 220 out of 225 on the aspie scale and 25 out of 225 on the neuro normative scale. The doctor didn't believe me when I told him I was a consultant.

(note that I interpreted my friend's response as me picking the wrong candy bar for some reason - was distracted)

You're good at hiding the differences.... That's from a cool book about decision making and how our heuristic processes work, cool.

But which candy bar was the right answer?????

You're killing me!

You got it "right," the kids eyes were pointing toward it as you note!

(for some reason I interpreted the "" as not as right as I could have been) 


But it wasn't the right answer? What's the right answer?


My friend has not responded. Maybe I drive my friends crazy.

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